Are you doing anything for Mar10 day?


I'm just doing the same thing I do most days.. play a round of Fortune Street and NSMB2 in the morning. But I can't help but feel like there should be a party.. lets all head to Super Nintendo World together!
Was going to go to the gaming bar near work but forgot.

Also YAAAAASSS Boom/Fortune Street!
I wish there was a gaming bar near by here.. the closest is a 3h drive
Addicted to the Sims 4 right now, playing Mario mods for it.
i drew a mario for once!! i just played mario maker 2 and am currently playing odyssey too. nothing much but yea!

edit: really minor but while playig rayman legends today i switched to th Globox Cosplaying Luigi alt for today which i never do normally
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I'm hoping I can not be overwhelmed by homework and play some Mario 3D Land and/or 3D World
I'm going to play Super Smash Ultimate and give Mario a try for the first time.