What concept from a Mario series would you like to see used in another?


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Let's list down some examples of existing games lifting a concept from another, we have:


Mario Party 3 using the paper aesthetic first used in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64)


WarioWare (first game) utilising the micro-game concept from Mario Artist Polygon Studio and is subsequently defined by it.

For one, I would like to see the Day and Night concept translated to a Super Mario (3D sandbox) game, from Mario Party 6. Perhaps it could be similar in spirit to how Super Mario Maker 2 handles it: the night version of themes causes the level to work differently. In this case, the levels could have parts where a certain section requires day to be changed to night via a switch, or vice versa.

So what would be a game concept you would like to see in a Mario series that is derived from a different Mario game?

Thank you for reading.
A Mario platformer with the world-building and narrative style of the RPGs

Closest we've had is Super Paper Mario, but I'm talking something that plays as tightly as the main series and is billed on its level. Something that'll convince casual crowds Mario is capable of having a story.
I'm barely convinced the rpgs themselves can carry a plot so I wouldn't count on that.