How y'all doing regarding the pandemic?


I'm doing ok, I'm staying at a friend's house until I know it'll be safe for my dad for me to go back. Hbu
Don't like staying at home all day. Family's job is in a furlough because of it. I worry about my dad since he has to travel out a lot and he's an old guy.
Definitely a mixed bag. I get the unpleasant parts of college without the good parts as I still have a ton of online work but I can't hang out with my friends. At least I can sleep in later, though that's also a blessing as well as a curse. On the better side, I can spend more time with my family and on these here forums. I also have more time for hobbies (as long as they are indoors). Overall, quarantine's a bit of a bummer for me, but it could be a lot worse.
I already didn't have a job, so it's not like there's any real difference for me at this point. We just get our groceries and shit delivered now because my grandpa is in his 90s.
I usually don't get out much, but I honestly hate not being able to go anywhere.
not great
I choosed the wrong time to become more outgoing, the doctor who provides my pain medicine drop me out due to be unable to reach me face to face, my pets are getting sick after I heard the news animals can get it, I am going to be seen as a public menace due to coming as the same time as allergies season and for some godforsaken reason, my face is super itchy, I can't go see my extended family for Easter and my uncle who is a public worker is in the hospital, my hyper-empathy is in overdrive due to so many suffering, I can't reassure myself with upcoing media because most of it getting delayed or cancled, everything sucks, I am flat out getting suciadal urges, I have a strong enough will to ignore it but they are still there
my life is literally exactly the same except online school sucks
Frankly, as a homeschooler, the amount of school I get done has improved, and I haven't even really noticed that we have to stay indoors.
Came into this year with the goal of being more outgoing and maybe getting my own place. So, aside from not being able to go to church activities anymore, my life isn't all that different. Family is all home and we have three dogs, so there's always something going on. I have computer work to keep me busy.
Almost nothing about my life has changed, being a homeschooler who already did online classes. Only thing is that my homeschool co-op which was previously in-person is now also online, and my church is online now as well.

Being an introvert with no friends I kind of like it better this way anyway. I just hope it doesn't interfere with my summer lifeguarding job...
Almost nothing about my life has changed, being a homeschooler who already did online classes. Only thing is that my homeschool co-op which was previously in-person is now also online, and my church is online now as well.

Being an introvert with no friends I kind of like it better this way anyway. I just hope it doesn't interfere with my summer lifeguarding job...

Same. Is it possible to be an introvert and change to an extrovert? 'Cause when I was younger I was totally solitary, not so much anymore.
Before the pandemic i was a hermit anyway so in that regard things haven't changed. Only thing that sucks is the few things I did look forward to/enjoy doing outside have been cancelled, like my trans support group (they have something online but i'm really not comfortable replacing the in-person group with entirely digital) Also, i can't eat out which sucks like no tomorrow. but to be fair my favorite place to eat out (TGI Friday's) closed their doors permanently and out of the blue before the pandemic, so i have no hope of eating there even when this is over- unless i go to the one an hour away which is really only realistic for a rare outing
I still go outside. The streets aren't as full as it used to be. I occasionally get out and about. I have stuff to do outside of my house. I still drive around, but since 70% of my time is spent indoors, I'm largely unaffected. Though those toilet paper hoarders, we haven't had toilet paper for almost a month. We have to use towels.
This thing has made me realize that I need friends a lot more than I thought I did. I was invited to a Zoom call with some of my friends to play some games (not video games, more like Mafia and Pictionary and some other stuff) a week ago and I had a blast. Ever since then I've been hoping that there'll be another get-together.
easter is basically just doing schoolwork for me cause i just realised i have online classes in not long and i need to finish my project