Hardest Level in Super Mario 3D world


Hello People!
Ok besides Champions Road and Mystery House Marathon what's your hardest Super Mario 3D World level. For me is Pirhana Creeper Creek After Dark. (Mainly The Very Stupid to get Green Stars...)
I have a ton of painful memories on Broken Blue Bully Belt. Also Boss Blitz for the timer alone.
Yeah I know. For boss blitz when my time had 100 I actally needed to restart and try again beacuse I did not have enough time to beat Motly Bossblob
For me, also Piranha Creeper Creek. I remember that when I was collecting all the green Stars I had one left in this level, and that was to light up all the fireplaces, it was a pain and it took two hours to do.

Other than that and Champion's Road, none of the levels are painfully hard as far as I can remember.
Champion's Road can blow it self up for all I care about that level.

Aside from that which the thread asks to omit, I can't think of a notably challenging level. Mystery House Marathon is tricky but I don't recall it being that hard, especially with two players.

This is LGM and my playthrough of the level (of course completed already), the Cat Suit can hilariously cheese some of the challenges.

I'm in agreement on Piranha Creeper Creek After Dark for the Green Stars (Still haven't got the second one), and I'd also add Blast Block Sky Plaza, we still haven't completed it ourselves, a friend of mine came over and completed it, so we don't have all the Green Stars on that one yet.
I concur "Piranha Creeper Creek After Dark", since the second Green Star is difficult to get amidst the darkness, the poisonous swamp, rotating platforms and the Piranha Plants. I am glad to finally got 100%. Plus, I also beaten the final 3 levels (Champion's Road, that Mystery House and the Boss Blitz) with all characters, mainly by bringing as many characters as possible and then activating them at at the goal.

Thank you for reading.
(i am nearing 100% but not quite there - still getting a few more green stars, stamps, flag poles, and clearing with all characters)

piranha creeper creek after dark is imo the most difficult to get all green stars in, especially because the second one

boss blitz is the hardest imo if the objective is just to finish the level, solely for its timer, but if you can do that the green stars just appear from the bosses themselves so they're no problem