Fan content in Mario


Heart of an ox
Nintendo's response to fans using their content has ... not been great, to say the least.
Obviously, we want them to be more open while crud like Racist Mario and all the other "Mario is a evil bad brother to Luigi who does drugs and gets "friendzoned" by Peach" stuff get left on read
My idea boils to a few things, make mods officially on the Switch, open up a suggestion box from people who love the stuff and showcase fan media on their social media, what do you think?
Well, they can't do anything about stuff like Racist Mario as that falls under parody laws or whatever that law is.

Basically an excuse to post garbage and not get in shit for it.
I would love to have an official "workshop" (like Steam) for the Nintendo Switch or have games with mod support built in that's very easy to tweak around with (like in say, the Sims 4), it would make the process of which mods I want to play with a breeze. I remember a No Man's Sky developer said that it doesn't matter how tightly packed your games files are, people are going to crack them open anyway to modify stuff so you're better off making them more user-friendly and flexible. I don't really like taking advantage of system vulnerabilities just so I can KO Peter Griffin in a kiddy car in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with rap music playing in the background as a police Baby Luigi that swears, and I especially don't like the looming sense of getting banned online if Nintendo catches a slight whiff of a modded Switch even if nothing I did was actually cheating unless you count me playing as a Russian Baby Luigi who's voice acted by a stocky guy on a show about road safety on NTV as cheating.

Driving an actual cop car in Renegade Roundup is great, okay?

TBH, I'd be satisfied if Nintendo's stance towards fan content was just, you know, ignoring it like how the vast majority of companies do. Never really understood why they have such a weird hatred of it tbh.

I mean, yeah I get that they have to protect their IP and how trademark laws work, but has any company lost the rights to their characters or whatever due to fan stuff?
I mean, yeah I get that they have to protect their IP and how trademark laws work, but has any company lost the rights to their characters or whatever due to fan stuff?

It's like piracy: the organizations that complain about it the loudest are the largest, most successful, most powerful, multi-million dollar corporations anyway.
I feel like they would have a much better reputation in this department if they would simply just loosen their death grip on fan games and the like, take some cues from the official Sonic PR team and maybe compliment their fans' efforts from time to time. Maybe even hire their own Aaron Webber-equivalent to manage their social media and interact with the fans.