Superchao Live your life according to your rhythm! Forum Moderator Chat Operator Awards Committee 'Shroom Consultant Pronouns He/him MarioWiki Superchao Apr 24, 2020 #3 nope we've got all the emotes we've got for now
Bob Craples went out for milk Pronouns He/Him Apr 24, 2020 #4 Link327 said: :mario2: I am just curios :mario3: Click to expand... You could probably make your own, though.
Link327 said: :mario2: I am just curios :mario3: Click to expand... You could probably make your own, though.
The Green Knight ooga booga spooky Pronouns He/him Apr 26, 2020 #6 Here is an emoticon that will be used as soon as I can join a Role-play.(Probably THE Role-play)