Sometimes forgotten Peachette details


Too many things to celebrate
  • Dark grey/black eyes (instead of blue; my current former avatar (NSFW) forgetting it)
  • Slightly reddish collar compared to Peach
  • Her skin is slightly pinkish


(Inspired by: "Oft-forgotten Viridi details" by starlight🌠 on Twitter)
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For the skin being slightly pinkish bit, I want to see the diffuse texture if it really is a pinker hue, because that could be controlled by a different subsurface scattering setting from the rendering.
  • Dark grey/black eyes (instead of blue; my current avatar forgetting it)

Most Peachette fanart I see (the good ones) have the right eye color, though not sure about the other points.

Looking up your profile pic, I found the artist pretty easily. It doesn't seem like they were really paying attention to all the details, considering there is a dark skin/red haired version of it and the, uh, "creative liberties" with the outfit...
Most Peachette fanart I see (the good ones) have the right eye color, though not sure about the other points.

Looking up your profile pic, I found the artist pretty easily. It doesn't seem like they were really paying attention to all the details, considering there is a dark skin/red haired version of it and the, uh, "creative liberties" with the outfit...

Huh, I thought it was incurred regardless of SFW or not.

I found funny that the most "Peachifications" have Peach's blue eyes whereas it should be their normal eye color, while characters captured by Mario sometimes have their normal eye color when it should be blue...