Wii Black and White


Tracking the currents and lanes of the ocean
Yoshi the SSM

I can't figure out why the Wii is black and white. But I do know it is on the TV end, as the VCR is also black and white. However the TV still shows the actual TV just fine. Is there any way to fix this? Or would I need to go downstairs to have a colored Wii?
I don't think so. I mean, I live in America. Meaning the TV would not be PAL, but be instead NTSC.
Is the TV black and white? It could explain it.
There's a chance he would've plugged the cables into Component rather then Video.
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to plug the cable into the hole of the same colour, unless the holes happen to be coloured Yellow-White-Red-White-Red, then that's just bad design.
No, I said I can see color when watching TV.

I live in America. You do realize how likely something I bought could be PAL. It's basically 0.

Here judge for yourself:
View attachment 4019

The Red is in the wrong place. It should be just below where you plugged in the white one. I know this as it shows up correctly on my TV that way.
Putting the Red in the middle produces no sound and still has the black and white. Video only shows up when Yellow is on top and White is below that one. All other combinations of the order Yellow, White, and Red don't produce video. I'm pretty sure that is the order they are suppose to be. So if you think that there is a different order, say the order as there are quite a few combinations of order and position. Sound can be produced when Red is on the bottom or the one above the bottom when video is shown.
yellow is video, red and white are audio

so if the yellow is outputting video then yeah you've got in the right spot

do you have any other plugins you could try? other consoles or accessories that you could use to test?
yellow is video, red and white are audio

so if the yellow is outputting video then yeah you've got in the right spot

do you have any other plugins you could try? other consoles or accessories that you could use to test?

Other than a VCR that is already connected and already tried and it is also black and white, nothing currently set-up to go to this TV. I have another thing, but it is just another VCR which would produce the same result as the current VCR and it is downstairs. Nothing else. I haven't tried putting the Wii on another TV, but looking at my options, the only one I can do would be the one downstairs. And this thread was created to see if I can do something before I do that as it would take quite a bit to do and I would like to keep it upstairs preferably, but downstairs is not entirely out of the picture.

Doesn't the wii have HDMI? I think it does.

If not try a different set of component/(or composite I am rusty on which is which I just know the colors) Your's may be rusty.

I tried hooking it to a HDMI cord, but I didn't have any luck.
Maybe your cables are faulty or your TV slots are faulty? That could happen, it could degrade over time. I've seen black and white video before as a result of misplugged components too btw.
Just checked. Changing the color of the TV doesn't change the effect of the black and white Wii.
The TV has turned on and off several times since I first noticed it. And that was a while ago. I don't remember exactly when though. But at least a month, I believe.
Did you try your cables in any other TVs? Did you arrange cables in the same port if you get the same problem? Trying to rule out a hardware issue.