Combing Mario games premises

Pink Cat

Dreams delight
If you were to mix the gameplay of two Mario games, how would you do it?

Warioware x Mario Party

The typical board game thing is in play, you look for glowing onions instead of stars and you can get Wario's bike as an item to make you move farther and run into opponents, sending them elsewhere
When the mini games portion starts, you play 10 microgames in multiplayer, those who win the most gets coins
A tie is decided with a boss microgame
In addition to the typical Mario cast, characters from both of Wario's series appear as playable characters, it would be cool if Bomberman would appear as a guest considering Hudson's historg with Mario Party and Wario Blast, but I doubt Konami would allow it
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i mentioned this before in my ask thread, but one idea i had was to blend 3d mario platforming with MaRPG gameplay (or specifically, first two PMs) so you'd be platforming in 3d and exploring etc. but there's also HP and items and puzzles etc. battle system would be like TTYD, but could be turned off, turn based combat would remain compulsorary for most bosses but there would be some bosses who are fought in real time to allow more creativity
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I remember a game idea i had yeeeeears ago (i'm talking so long ago that I had only played TTYD and SPM and wasn't aware that Paper Mario started on the N64) which I amusingly named "Paper Mario 64" despite not knowing of the actual entry on the N64. It was basically Super Mario 64 but with the Paper Mario art style. Another funny thing is that a fan-game called "Paper Mario 3D Land" would later show up and play frighteningly close to what i had in mind, though with a more linear structure.