Think about it. Mario may be powerful and many of us like to say he can beat everyone. But John Wick? Nooooo. Let's face it, I think those are his limits.
I have the unpopular opinion that I think people are misguided when they say that Mario is extremely powerful because he has the ability to breathe in space or survive being crushed or survive touching lava. It's like saying Wiley Coyote is extremely powerful because he can survive all sorts of drops, explosions, and being crushed by a bunch of boulders.
Thing is, every Mario character is shown to be like that: they can leave lava with a burn, they can breathe underwater, they can hear in outer space. It's a cartoon universe. If a realistic human suddenly was transported to Mario's universe, those same principles will apply to them as well. For fuck's sake, Luigi is able to grab Bowser's tail and throw him in Super Mario 64 DS, and we all know Luigi isn't like the muscular type.
What makes Mario powerful isn't his physical abilities or his durability. It's his sheer persistence and wits. In fact, he's portrayed as this humble plumber man who isn't that physically attractive to begin with. I think saying stuff like oh Mario's canonically powerful kinda runs counter to how Mario is supposed to be an everyday guy who can jump decently; his abilities in other spin-off titles are like, well-rounded, proves the point that he isn't supposed to be portrayed all that extraordinary to begin with, but that his strengths is that he's able to take what he's got, adapt and run with it.