Hot Potato


Mario Kart IRL. Poggers
Pass the Hot Potato to someone else. Don't pass it to someone who hasn't posted in the thread. If the user with the hot potato doesn't respond within 12 hours, they lose.

Mention users when you pass it to them.
Make sure everyone gets to play
If you lose you will have to rejoin. Meaning you cannot play until you rejoin.

Player 1: Pass to Player 2
Player 2: Pass to Player 1
Player 3: I would like to play
Player 1: Pass to Player 3

CURRENTLY PLAYING (may be outdated):
Prof. Toad 🥔 🥔
The Happy Mask Salesman
Goombuigi 🥔
Birthday Magolor04726
🥔 🥔(Last Round: Needs to Rejoin)
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Simple, Pass the Hot Potato to someone else. Don't pass it to someone who hasn't posted in the thread. If the person with it the hot potato doesn't respond within 12 hours, they lose. (Please make sure everyone gets to play)
First Reply gets to pass it to me

Player 1: Pass to Player 2
Player 2: Pass to Player 1
Player 3: I would like to play
Player 1: Pass to Player 3
Get passed.

Can we make it so that the person who has it goes to sleep the timer doesn't affect them? Because that would be in humane.
I would like to join in. I have a question though, what happens if someone loses? Can they participate again after their loss?