Retail Delivery(Fan fic series)


Heart of an ox
Not as much as a complicated and deep story as much as something fun to write to get my mind less stressed, it's just goofy mostly crossover stories starring Miichele, my main oc, making deliveries as part of her job, you are free to suggest a customer for her to visit, Miichele will also be in another fic of mine but that's for another project

The first chapter arrives on the 11th of this month, remember, treat those in retail with uptmost kindness
Can she meet Luigi Carbone of Mushroom City Car Wash?

I know you aren't fond of RPs, but this is a crossover, right?
Chapter 1!
Miichele, a greyish cat that walks on two legs walked into a double doored grocery store

"You're late" Said her manager

"Well, excuse me I can't always be on time when killer rocks are everywhere and have even more reasons to want me dead than all the other people who live here" Miichele snapped

"You're making me out to be an even bigger nusiacnce than those rock monsters"

"Sometimes, you are the worst part of my day, dude" The manager and Miichele argued

"You are too beloved here for me to fire you without an uproar, how unfortunate"

"Are you actually going to give me something to do today or are you going to continue to bitch at me"

The manager went to the back and brought out a glowing lightblue engine

"Cool, what toy store did you buy that from?"

"Enough with the snark, you obnoxious cat, this is a engine that let you travel dimensions"

"Neat, we can gather everyone in the world and leave for the hot babes dimension"

"That won't be possible, this only lets you spend a day in another world to deliver goods"

"Wow, capitalism is screwing us on a multiversal scale"

Miichele hid the middle finger behind her back, ready to unleash it when the manager is not looking

"Now, now, Miichele, I didn't design this that way, besides, a day in their world is a few minutes in ours"

"How does that work?"

"Do you want an explanation or do you want me to stop talking?"

"Well, can't argue with that"

Miichele was passed a paper with the words "World of beasts"

"Well, that explains a lot ... look at me, I am bitching at a goddamn paper, I only do this for the other people here, I see no point in paycheck where I already got a big gun and society barely fuctions, welp, whatever this beast world or whatever is, can't be worse than here"

Not knowing how it actually worked as she did not want to be put down more by someone she barely tolersted, she simply put the engine in and hit the pedal

She found herself in a blue wavy stream in a matter of seconds, she wanted to shurg on how she somehow guessed right but rather not crash and be incinerated

She saw what look like a prehistoric world on the horizon

"Dinosaurs have tiny hands and just eat things, I checked the cargo and it was a bunch of glowing cubes, do dinosaurs need room fresheners?"

When she got out of the void, both her and the truck changed form, she became robotic and her truck became a space ship

"So, I'm dealing with robot dinosaurs, huh? This place sounds like the setting to a b-movie"

"Hold up, little slagger!" Shouted an ugly rat with a Brooklyn accent

"Hi, I'm here to give you these cubes ... I think..."

"What are you doing with Energon? Where the scrap did you come from?"

"To be honest, I have no idea, I'm just here for a job"

"Well, how do I know these are even the real deal and you're not a pred?"

"Listen, Brooklyn Rage, I don't even know what this stuff is and if you're even supposed to get it, if you think this is supposed to be some sort of gambit, just give them to someone else"

"A rat trusting a house cat, huh? Do you know how suspicious you sound?"

"Ugh, whatever, I'm out of here"

Miichele got back in her truck, turned the key and only to find out it won't go back to her world

"Of course, of course"

A cheetah, a rhino, a raptor and a gorilla showed up

"More friends, huh? Am I in a toy commercial dimension?"

"A ship? That's just Prime, but we gotta focus on the Predicons activity before we can even consider leaving"

"Who's your friend, Rattrap?"

"We are nothing close to friends" Miichele and Rattrap said at the same time

"Rattrap? I am in a toy commercial"

"This lunatic showed up with a bunch of Energon cubes and acts like she doesn't belong here, granted, she doesn't belong here but besides the point"

The gorilla put his hand in the air, to indicate for the taking to stop

"What's your name and alliance, cat?"

"Me? I'm Miichele of the Dead Heat Brakers"

"A rather plain name for a Transformer and I most certainly never heard of these Dead Heat Breakers, but so far, you have shown no desire to hurt us with the weapon you have in that ship, you would just blast us if you were up to no good"

Miichele looked back and forgot she brought her gun

"Wait one moment, these cubes are fake" Noted the Rhino

"Dishonorable to be dishonest, why are you here for?" Proclaimed the Raptor

"Hey! The only one being dishonest is the one who sent me here!"

"Gee, your boss sounds nothing like the big boss! Exclaimed the cheetah

"Calm down everyone, we still have use for these, we can use them to trick the Predicons."

"Predicons? Don't sound too trust worthy, what exactly do they do?"

"All you have to know, tuna breath, is that they hurt people"

"Hmph, I can not stand those who only purpose in life is to cause missery for others, I can only be here for a day, allow me to assist you while I'm here ... but the chedder muncher can stay behind, he reminds me of my unpleasant boss"

'Can say the same to you, Milk Addict"

"You can argue all you want on the way there, just like you do with me" Stated the raptor

They traveled quite a way, bickering with each others while the rest of the group held in sighs of annoyance

"Cheator, you go and place the cub, me, Dinobot and Miichele will stand armed if anything goes awry" Stated the Rhino, who Miichele learned their name to be Rhynox

Miichele saw the cubes start to glow more intensly and grew suspicious

Before she could act, the cube exploded and she was sent back to her truck and dimesion

She sat in her truck silently in shock, despite their grievances, Miichele saw them as people much like herself, people who would take risks to save others, never running from a fight that they can win and always have her back

"I had fans ... but friends ... I have next to none... I destroyed a bond of heroes for a breif rush of feeling anything ... and I got it"

Miichele should have seen through the narrative of her boss being corupt and greedy, she was working for an outright bad guy

"If I don't take the engine, he'll just use it for himself ... I have to play along and make sure he doesn't know I have other plans..." Miichele clenched her fist and look back on the city full of people she sworn to protect
Next chapter:

Miichele normally was more than open to speak her mind, but to save many worlds, she had to fake her words
"Oh, heh, uh, guess you found me!"
"Ohh, I see you're finally doing things my way, good girl"
"Oh, god, what I would do to just blast him right now and get it over with"
She thought while knowing she couldn't do it without getting all the info
"You're traveling to an alternative version of the Musshroom Kingdom today"
"Alternative? I didn't even know there was a regular Mushroom Kingdom.
"Heh, you sure are almost like a slave to me now"
"Just let me end this son of a bitch right now" Miichele thought while her fist was shaking
"Just keep your anger to yourself, little pest, all you have to do is deliver a vacuum to a car wash this time"
"The old baby needs a little bath when I think of it"
"This actually can smite this fucker, put the engine in the vaccum and toss somewhere, it's not like he can see me ... I hope" Miichele, hatching a plan
To be continued...