Chadwick Boseman has passed away


Heart of an ox
Known mostly for his role as T'chala, actor Chadwick Boseman has passed away due to stage 4 cancer.l

This feels so soon and out of nowhere, I can't believe it, you will have respect in the afterlife, mighty king
Rest in peace dude. My thoughts are with his family.

What's shocking about all this is that he filmed tons of movies all while having colon cancer. What a brave man, he was a hero irl for doing all this simply to bring people entertainment.
that came out of nowhere! it's really sad that he died so young, and he even had a family and friends.

rest in piece, bro. hope you can rest now
Black Panther is one of my favorite films, especially since it was the first film I saw when I started going to the movies regularly (rather than rarely) with my father.
