Forum Mario Kart!


Mario Kart IRL. Poggers
(Unsure if this belongs in the main forum games or the 'strategy' forum games)

Before the race starts, anyone can join. If you want to race, pick a character from the Mario emoji list (these guys :mario:).

The track is made up of the line below, where you can see where everyone is on the track, the finish, specific items, and item boxes.

START | - - - - ? - - - - - - - - - ? - - - - - - - - - ? - - - - - FINISH

:drmario: 3rd
:bowser: 4th
:yoshi: 2nd
:luma: 4th
:mario: 1st

While you are in the race, you can say 'Accelerate' to speed up.
You will start at 0 spaces per hour, but every consecutive acceleration will increase it by 1 to a max of 3.
You may only accelerate if it has been 1 hour since your last acceleration.
Not accelerating after 2 hours of your last acceleration will cause you to slow down.
Hit an item box (? on the line) and I will PM you a random item based on your position. (More items maybe added in later races.)
Unlike accelerating, you may use an item at any time.
You may only have one item at a time

Item list (least rare to rarest):
Banana: You can throw it behind you, if anyone touches it, it breaks and they slow down. (^ on map)
Green Shell: You can throw it in front of you, it will trigger bananas, or slow the nearest person down by 1.
Red Shell: Slows the person in front of you down by 1.
Mushroom: Increases your speed by 2 (Allows max of 5 spaces per hour, accelerating will not do anything until you are back to 3 SpH)
POW Box: Slows everyone elses SpH by 1
Super Star: Prevents losing speed from items for 2 hours
Blue Shell: Instantly Decreases the SpH of the player in 1st to 0
Bullet Bill: Auto-Accelerates you for 3 hours (will not pick up items during this time)
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I'll be :bowser:
The Race will start tomarrow at 12 PM PST. If anyone else would like to join, make sure I know before that time.
Luma: *Is in last place* 🎶Hmmm Hmmm Hmm (Airship Mario from Mario Galaxy 2)🎶
Maybe I didn't do the best job of explaining this, but each dash on the map is one space. Also this is meant to be a day long thing so you can only move every hour. Sorry if I didn't explain that well...

(sorry, forgot this has started)
(it's been an hour since my last one)
Accelerate to 2 squares a hour
30 minutes past 2 hours. Wish I keep remembering these. In either case, time to accelerate again.