James Randi, famous skeptic, passes away

Xiahou Dun

The essence of my parents cannot be thrown away!
Wiki Bureaucrat

He's one of the guys I looked up to. A skeptic, he exposed psychics, faith healers, and spoon benders for the frauds they were, such as Sylvia Browne, and he helped an 9-year old, Emily Rosa, at the time debunk therapeutic touch. He's one of the influences for me to adopt materialism and disbelieve in psychics, ghosts, other paranormal elements.

Rest in piece, James Randi.
That's sad.

I did not know atheist magicians existed though. Interesting. I'll check his talks out.
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Practicing being a magician helps with cultivating skepticism imo, it helps you look at all the visual trickery and take advantage of human cognitive failings. Penn and Jillette are also known atheist magicians. They looked up to Randi too, and they made a series called "Bullsh*t!".
my dad watched a documentary on him recently
Noooo. I liked him as a skeptic, exposing the frauding self-proclaimed psychics and whatnot, and like my sister said, helped me on the path to skepticism and disbelief of the supernatural.