Five Nights at Freddy’s


Mung’s Apprentice
Poll Committee
You sit in the office, the low hum of the fan cutting through the dead silence. You needed the money, so you took this job. You are a night guard, hired to watch over the popular kids fun zone Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A phone call by a guy who worked in that position before you tells you about the... quirk the animatronics have: a free roaming mode so their servos don't lock up. If they get into the office, they will shove you into a suit filled with robotic parts. The phone call ends and now you are scared for your life. There is only one option: survive the night.


What do you do first?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
'Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Last edited:
12 AM (10 posts until 1 AM)
You check the cameras, everyone is in their proper spots for now.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
'Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
12 AM (9 posts until 1 AM)
You check the cameras again, everyone is still in their spot.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
'Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Check cams again
12 AM (7 posts until 1 AM)
You check the cameras but to your surprise, Bonnie has moved. You check the Dining Room cam and lo and behold, Bonnie is standing in the middle of the Dining Room.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
'Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
12 AM (6 posts until 1 AM)
You close both doors. The power drains faster than before.
speaking of power, I should put a power meter.
What do you do?
*Open Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
'Open Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Open both doors
12 AM (5 posts until 1 AM)
You open both doors.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
*Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Check cams
12 AM (4 posts until 1 AM)
You check the cameras, Bonnie has moved into the Backstage.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
*Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Check cameras
12 AM (3 posts until 1 AM)
Power: 81%
You check the cameras, Bonnie has moved back to the Dining Room.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
*Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Check Cameras
12 AM (2 posts until 1 AM)
You check the cameras, Bonnie is in the Backstage.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
*Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Check Cams
12 AM (1 post until 1 AM)
You check the cameras, Bonnie is now in the West Hall.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
*Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light
Chaco Cams
1 AM (10 posts until 2 AM)
You chaco the cameras, Bonnie is in the West Hall Corner. You check the Show Stage and find Chica gone.
What do you do?
*Close Left Door
*Turn on Left Door Light
*Check Cameras
*Close Right Door
*Turn on Right Door Light