Would you be inmortal?

What is your answer

  • I'd live younger than the average human lifespan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd live 100 years

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'd live 200-400 years

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I'd live 400-600 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd live 600-800 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd live 800-1000 years

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • +1000 years

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • I'd live an average human lifespan

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters


King Bowser
People don't like it because those you love around you would be dead, but plot twist: what if everyone around you was inmortal too?

Think about the knowledge. I imagine myself being super wise and smart if I lived for 1000 years, don't you?
Immortality wouldn't be worth it, at least in human bodies.

Likewise, living for something ridiculous like a billion years, you'd have a hard time

If humans lived to around about 3,000 years though, sure there'd be a few issues such as overpopulation, rules of dictators expanding on, what have you

But it would be pretty great, think of the advances that people would make, and the people that died a long time ago would still be around today

That would be my idea of a perfect lifespan, assuming that we age in respect to that, and that everyone has such a lifespan, not just one dude

And who knows? Maybe we'll find a way to do that in the years to come.

alternatively being captain jack harkness seems pretty baller, so maybe living forever ain't so bad after all 🤷‍♀️
800-1000 years, with the option of living a normal human lifespan if at 80, I don't want to be immortal
Why would I be immortal? The first 80-90 years would be okay, the rest would be endless boredom
100 hundred years
well it depends on how my ageing scales, if we say that say if i choose to live to 150, in the uk you expect a woman to live to about 85 so that adds 65 years to my lifespan, do those 65 years get added to me with a young body, me with an old lady body, or does my ageing become half speed?

in any case i don't think i'd want to live long enough for it to be like a massive news story: first person to live to 200 or stuff so i didn't select any of the options that were significantly higher than 100 years. but i think that i would like to live longer than the average person
Without getting too existential and delving into some potentially uncomfortable topics, I have to answer the question with a firm and emphatic "no."

The very concept of immortality terrifies me in an existential sense. Even if we were to assume perfection - that is to say, even were we assume I would be unaffected by the ravages of time, that nothing and no one I care about would fade away and decay and die or be swept aside by social changes - I would abhor immortality. It's simply not for me. I'll take my carriage ride with Death, and Immortality can step out of the carriage because this is a private affair, thank you very much.

I allow you to choose to live a long life without necessarily being inmortal, my friend.
I think I'd want my life to be normal sized, so I can have a good life, leave a mark, and bring a few people to heaven with me.
Think about the knowledge. I imagine myself being super wise and smart if I lived for 1000 years, don't you?
It's funny you say that... according to the Bible, (Just gonna dip into this once) the oldest man to ever live was Methuselah, who lived to be 969 years old. (Apparently he was very wicked.)
Also, there are two people (Again, according to the Bible) who never died: A man named Enoch was once taken right up into heaven instead of dying, and the prophet Elijah went for a walk with his apprentice, crossed a river, and went into heaven on a chariot of fire. (Much to the bewilderment of his apprentice, Eli.)
Forget having a static body/mind, I'd only accept immortality if it meant I get to manually alter the very particle-chemical-matter of my being at will. Like a cartoon or a god.
You'd have to continue existing after the sun explodes and the heat death of the universe. So there's that.

Living past 1000 would be neat but can you imagine being a boomer for that long? I'm not even 30 and I'm already sick of my back hurting all the time. 😂