TV documentary - history videogames

Hi there,

I hope this message finds you well.

My name is Tom and I'm contacting you from Impossible , a factual TV production company in London.

We're currently developing a documentary project that'll take a broad look at the history of video games. As part of this I'm looking to have an informal chat on the phone with UK-based long-term gamers (it doesn't just have to be Nintendo - any console welcome) about their personal gaming journeys, memories, and reflections.

Perhaps you have a special connection with one particular Mario game, or any other game? Or maybe gaming has changed your life in a surprising and unconventional way? Or perhaps you simply want to share your passion for gaming with me?

If you're interested in chatting with me, please drop me a line on - from there we can arrange a time to speak on the phone so I can properly introduce myself, give you more info about the project, and hear your story.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Best wishes,
that's coool