Guess that Song!


I have a problem
I have prepared 7 whopping bangers, all at different difficulty levels, for you to guess!
Put your attempts in this thread.
Try to guess the game the song is from and the name of the track or point in the game when it plays. You could even find the song on youtube and link it here. (These are all video game songs)
These are this week's songs:
  1. Donkey Kong Country Returns - Jungle Hijinxs
  2. Tomodachi Life - Apartment
  3. Something from Bowser's Fury?
  4. A battle theme from Origami King?
I got nothing after those
  1. Donkey Kong Country Returns - Jungle Hijinxs
  2. Tomodachi Life - Apartment
  3. Something from Bowser's Fury?
  4. A battle theme from Origami King?
I got nothing after those
1 and 2 are correct, 3 is from Bowser's Fury, 4 isn't from Origami King, though it is a battle theme from a Nintendo game...
The 5th song is the one that plays in Haina Desert from Pokémon Sun/Moon, isn't it?