The (un)official OCD thread


writing for the `Shroom, saving Popstar from doom
OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder. It sucks to have it, not because others will make fun of you, or because it makes you weird, but because you do unnecisary things over and over again, waisting tons of time you could have spent doing things you actually like. I should know. I have it. (Is it ok to make this type of thread? Also I'm not saying people with OCD suck, I'm saying the OCD itself sucks.)
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I'd say that your worrying about this is good proof of how rough it can be. Sorry you have to suffer this.
I have obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as autism, anxiety, and depression. So I feel your pain.
My mom suffered through this as well as generalized anxiety. What she'd do is do these time consuming rituals which can take hours iirc and include something about closets and praying for her family's safety one by one. I just hear it's draining. People with OCD know it's not rational but it's a habit and a means of coping with anxiety. Does this sound relatable?