Should Mario non-game media have abundant references from within their history?


Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality
Although I have not seen the recent Pac-Man and Mega Man animated series to confirm, I have read that both series did references from their video game history that could be considered fan service. The main issue with those animated series is that their art styles and settings are different from the originals, which would put off original fans. For the audience who aren't familiar with the source material, these types of references may fly over their heads, so they wouldn't really understand the significance of it. In other words, there is a mismatch on what the audiences would have liked about those shows.

So that brings me to this topic. As a character, Mario has a rather prolific life that spans four decades (remember: Mario was created in 1981), and he never really had a lull period since he's getting new games in pretty much every year, although he was a bit slow in his first few years. As a franchise, Mario starred in games of various types, including a popular platformer series that became his signature series, an unrivalled racing and party series and a few RPG games. He even starred in a few cartoons and comics, so there are plenty of things within Mario to references.

Would references throughout Mario's history in a hypothetical Mario animated series be a good idea? To give you an idea on the types of details and intricacies present in the Mario series, one can view Supper Mario Broth and find out the breadth of things that one might find interesting. Of course, that blog do delve into way obscure things that one wouldn't bother to look for, and then there's the fact that an animated series can't waste time looking for material to implement into the show. It would basically be simpler references like major elements from the Super Show or perhaps a location found in a Mario RPG game. This is the type of thing that would require a Mario fan to be able to do, given how the Sonic comic series began doing referential stuff when Sonic fans began writing the comic.

Within the era of Mario that we all know today starting around the millennium, the amount of non-game media that Mario had aren't as frequent as before, as there were no animated series, and pretty much the only thing that crossed the threshold between the classic and modern eras is the Mario manga in Japan. Perhaps now is the right time for Mario to have a bigger reach since he has an upcoming movie that is slated for next year, and recently he's even got a theme park after him.

So the question now is: would a solid amount of references within Mario's history be beneficial for a non-game media involving Mario, or would it be better that they focus on originality instead?

Thank you for reading.
I don't mind the odd bit of fan service here and there but references for the sake of references often annoy me.
i have lizard brain i see reference and i go "hehe i get it this is cool :}" so... yea i would enjoy that
it should be kept to a moderation though yeah. idk to what extent
i feel like too many references gets annoying and unoriginal, but at the same time no references at all just results in a mess that hardly feels like the source material, so really, just keep them moderate because its nice to have a reference eevry now and then
I mean yeah easter eggs and references to older Mario stuff is totally fine because it serves as a little treat for long-time/very nerdy fans. Luckily (memes aside) Mario doesn't have particularly deep lore, so you wouldn't have to worry about people necessarily being confused over references, but you still shouldn't overload a hypothetical non-game Mario thing with them, have them be a treat for fans.
Sonic was just a big hot giant mess when it comes to media adaption. While its main video game works in line, all different adaptions basically just conflict with each other. I agree that the Archie comic needed a reboot that sticks to the main video game canon, just I disagree with the removal of original characters like Sally.

For PAC-MAN, I feel like it isn't able to bring some old characters into new games (especially the one with right conflict) so they tried to come up with a new canon to replace the original one. Just the later adaption don't really work and people still just remember PAC-MAN and the ghosts.

While Pokemon's adaptions are well acknowldeged to be independent, Kirby's adaption is definitely controversial as it still excludeds Tiff and Tuff despite that series was generally based on the main canon.

Most of the Mario games after 64 era have no conflict in canon. Some old settings like Donkey's son and Peach's father have been excluded. Outside that, I would like to see Nintendo focus on bringing back some retro videogame characters that haven't seen the day for long time first, like Wart, Wanda and Wizpig. I don't feel the need to insert the past cartoon or real action show references unless Nintendo can re-introduce them in a way that people can comprehend. Just like Pauline was reintroduced in Mini March and people can easily get her character.

As for the new theatrical animation movie, I hope that it can stick to the main canon and don't introduce unnecesary original contents that are uncompatible with the game series. Sonic, weirdly, at leasy gave Mother Longclaw game appearances.
I love seeing references to previous media, however it's something that needs to be done very delicately. When you're making anything, you often need to balance what you want to do with what makes sense and what you should do. Throwing in a ton of recognizable things sounds fun, but if that's all you do then it's going to have no real value as anything other than a reference slideshow. The people who don't get the references won't enjoy it, and for the people who do, they still might want something more, or they might enjoy it but the novelty will eventually wear off and you have something that doesn't stand the test of time.

The way I like to approach this is that if you need something for your story, if you can bring something back to fulfill that role then go for it. You need a wrestler? Sure, you could make an entirely new character, but why not bring back Rawk Hawk. You need an enemy fortress? Bring back Whomp's Fortress. But don't throw them in just for the sake of them existing as references. And even that you still need to reign in a bit. You could bring back Rawk Hawk to fulfill the role of a wrestler character, but does it actually make sense to have him here or are you just throwing him in as another reference?

So yeah, that's my philosophy on references and callbacks. Hopefully that made sense.