What's a weird and/or random fact about yourself?


Me and my pencil
I memorize books of the Bible to VGM.


I've been a NASCAR fan since before I was born.
I have a mild case of hirsutism, you can see thick stalks of hair on my chin.

Also I eat very little and I think restaurant portion sizes are ridiculous.
I really like fermented skate. People generally gag and sputter while tasting it. First time I tried it, I gobbled up like nearly a full plate of it. That's without the pork and kimchi that people try to coat it in to make it more palatable.

It's a hardcore food apparently. It smells really strong, of outhouse and ammonia, or at least that's what people say, it smells more like a fishing market to me and that's an okay smell. It's chewy but it tastes strong too and it blasts your throat with this funny sensation, kinda like an edible minty Clorox spray.

And I'd definitely eat it again, just so my throat gets that funny sensation again.

I'd rather eat fermented skate, over blue cheese (which I dislike) and everyone hates fermented skate and loves blue cheese.
I have no sense of smell, or, at least, scents and odors strong enough for me to notice them are all indistinguishable from each other (I tend to associate them with vanilla).
fermented skate probably won't bother you then, haha
I just spent like 30 minutes making a signature. I didn't want to give Imgur my phone number, so I had to find some other image/gif hosting sites. The first one I tried just didn't work, so I went and deleted my account I had just made. Then I tried another site, which worked great, until I realized it only supported gifs and not images. I tried using a couple sites more but they didn't work for some reason. I also had some trouble with putting images and gifs into the signature, since I've never done it before. Once I got them in, I tried resizing them by messing with the URL, however a few minutes later I realized I could just click on the images and select "Change size". Oh and I forgot to mention, I had to find a gif of Xananab dancing and crop it so it's just Xananab (The full scene has a bunch of characters dancing). It's not perfect, you can see a bit of Cranky Kong, but I don't know how to get a transparent version. There were plenty of other issues but I think you get the point.

It was worth it though, I think my signature looks pretty good.
I just spent like 30 minutes making a signature. I didn't want to give Imgur my phone number, so I had to find some other image/gif hosting sites. The first one I tried just didn't work, so I went and deleted my account I had just made. Then I tried another site, which worked great, until I realized it only supported gifs and not images. I tried using a couple sites more but they didn't work for some reason. I also had some trouble with putting images and gifs into the signature, since I've never done it before. Once I got them in, I tried resizing them by messing with the URL, however a few minutes later I realized I could just click on the images and select "Change size". Oh and I forgot to mention, I had to find a gif of Xananab dancing and crop it so it's just Xananab (The full scene has a bunch of characters dancing). It's not perfect, you can see a bit of Cranky Kong, but I don't know how to get a transparent version. There were plenty of other issues but I think you get the point.

It was worth it though, I think my signature looks pretty good.
It looks sick bro :)
I think this thread is off to a good start.

I constantly make noise. (Singing, whistling, humming, clapping, snapping, tapping, drumming, pianoing, guitaring, you name it.)
i grew up on exclusively pc games (including flash games), and mostly obscure ones at that. didnt play a single nintendo game until i was 12, didnt own a single nintendo console until i was 15
I can't see a foot in front of me without vision correction (my left eye can't read the giant E on vision test signs), that's how bad it is.
I can see fine without my glasses. I have problems seeing with my left eye so I use my right eye.
I can see fine without my glasses. I have problems seeing with my left eye so I use my right eye.

I have to be 8 inches away from the computer screen to read this text clearly with my left eye. My right eye can read the text 12 inches away but my left eye is ridiculously blurred. Left eye requires contact lenses of -5.5 to read 20/20, right eye is -3.5
I should wear glasses, but I don't. They're only needed for reading.
It's probably a bad idea to do this.
I have to be 8 inches away from the computer screen to read this text clearly with my left eye. My right eye can read the text 12 inches away but my left eye is ridiculously blurred. Left eye requires contact lenses of -5.5 to read 20/20, right eye is -3.5
I think I'm the same way.

I have Disgraphia. I have poor handwriting as a result.