Rose's 'Shroom Sections (and now other things)


Damsel in Distress
Forum Moderator
Core 'Shroom Staff
Awards Committee
Poll Consultant
I'm pretty sure I had a thread for this a long time ago, but since that was like four years ago, I figure a new thread is in order

You should check out my 'Shroom sections!

The Mushroom Marquee

Past sections

Rose's Quarantine Reviews

Mushroom Kingdom Murder File

Challenger Approaching!

OP will be updated with new sections monthly. You can also use this thread to make suggestions or give feedback for any of my content
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New 'Shroom release, which means new Rose sections! Come get them today!

This month's Quarantine Reviews are live, make sure to check them out! I'm pretty happy with my selections and reviewing this month.

Additionally, I've started up a brand new 'Shroom section! Mushroom Kingdom Murder File is your primetime program that takes a look at some of the most interesting murder cases in Mushroom Kingdom history. Please give it a read, and also give me feedback if you'd like! It's a new section, after all, so I'm open to suggestions

Happy Pride Month everyone, and I hope you enjoy the special June issue!
Surprise! I've retitled the thread because this isn't 'Shroom related, but a number of people are talking about their scribbles and process for the Scribble Deathmatch, and I thought it would be fun to do much of the same. Overly long explanations incoming!


A number of my ideas this tournament came to me as an immediate blink of inspiration, and it started with this one. I have no clue where the concept of a flagpole stripper pole came from, but I'm glad I took it and ran with it. This was when I was first trying to get my footing, so colors and set pieces are a lot simpler, but I'm pretty proud of how clean our local artist looks, especially with their shell. Speaking of that, the title "Supporting Local Artists" was almost "Supporting Local Performers", but I asked a few friends which title they found funnier and Artists won out. I definitely feel like the title completes the drawing in this instance.


If there's any scribble from this tournament I have the biggest soft spot for, it's this one. The pun was another immediate idea, and I knew I had to go for it. Drawing the Kremling chef himself wasn't all that bad, because Kremling bodies are very exaggerated in terms of their shape and muscles. The hardest part was probably the nose, because how on earth do crocodile noses work. It took me a long time to settle on the background, but I definitely think it made the drawing cleaner on the whole. If I could change one thing about this drawing, I'd make the stars on the one Kremling's eyes white. The title "The Kremlings Get Their Just Desserts" was another fun pun to layer on top of this pun drawing.


This was the first prompt that I found really challenging, because in case you didn't know, drawing Wario is hard. I had to do a lot of repositioning and reworking to get this guy on screen enough for the gift box joke to land. This was also the first drawing where I felt like I really needed to experiment to get the color look I wanted, although it only resulted in the diagonal lines of the Got it! I also didn't intend for the background to be essentially the same concept as last time, but I wanted to base it entirely off of what Mario Kart Tour actually looks like, so the lines became a bit of a necessity. The title "What a Rotten Pull!" was chosen because it was the best one I could come up with! Fuck gacha


Yet again, the stupid idea that strikes first is the one that I keep. This one was a challenging one, because of the sheer number of Luigi's needed to pull off the idea. At this point in the tourney, I still hadn't decided whether or not a one pixel pen was something I should use, so I was working with bigger strokes than I needed. There's not too much to say about the Luigi's I drew, since I intentionally drew them sloppily to make them as funny and unique as possible. There are a few Easter eggs, though. The Luigi to the right of the door is riding an egg, while the Luigi to the left that's t-posing is meant to reference that one image of Luigi frozen in a cross:

It's not a clear homage, but it's where it comes from.
This also wasn't an intentional homage, but I keep looking at the Luigi on the far right holding out his thumb, and I swear he looks like Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Weird. The title "An Unexpected Invitation" was chosen because imagine being Luigi and walking up to a mansion made of Luigi's. Cosmic horror right there. I'm a little disappointed this joke didn't root itself in the community, because imagine the possibilities. Rosalina's Ice World, Daisy Cruiser, Wario's Gold Mine, Waluigi Pinball, the opportunities are endless!


This was drawn like two hours after Ninelevendo had contacted the Scribblers about doing a GBA prompt. While I appreciate all that GBA has done for community events, AKG4 and its Deimos chapter will be the part I hold most fondly, and I wanted to immortalize that here. This drawing took quite the bit of drafting, though, to figure out the mood and framing I was going for. Initially, it was going to be GBA in the center and then little icons working their way out, but I liked this look more in the end and ran with it. While all of the players of Deimos were important, I also wanted to highlight the characters who left the most impact on me during my time there, so Scrooge, Stan, and Sayaka made the cut. Shoutouts to Louie, the other character I considered very heavily.
I'd like to thank Pitohui for his help with this one, because he gave me the idea for the banner of symbols at the time, which I think really completes the piece. I'm a little more proud of that durian than I should be. Also, the Deimos logo in the back was originally going to be Big Changes, which, when paired with Waluigi Time's, makes two scribbles where Big Changes was cut out later in development. Oh, and the title? "A Drawing of the Host, Without Delay". It's a shame he couldn't say the same :monokuma:
I really hope you enjoyed this one GBA, I enjoyed drawing it a lot


While I can't say that this is the state I wanted this drawing to appear in, I am pretty proud of it on a base concept. What I was really going for was an action movie, and initially wanted the edges to be a movie poster and I'd give it a title logo and everything, but spatially it just didn't work out. Still, Yoshi being the panicked getaway driver while Birdo's the tough gal is what I really wanted for this one, and it came out in the end. I REALLY wanted to be able to draw the kart from the front while the explosion is behind them, but ah well, the angle is still nice.
Fun fact: the cool framing effect on Yoshi and Birdo's outlines was actually an accident, but I liked the look so much that I refined it and kept it around. It definitely helps to make them contrast with the background. The title "The Good Eggs" was meant to be the movie title, because Yoshi and Birdo are vigilante good guys taking down Bowser's fortresses one at a time. Initially the full title was "The Good Eggs, coming this summer", but I wanted to let other people build their own narrative in the end, so I left the title more vague


I had been wanting to draw a challenge post for a while, and finally took the opportunity to before Round 6. I was looking forward to the round against Turb because I knew facing him would be a real challenge. He has more developed artistic technique than me, as well as plenty of fun ideas, so I thought it could be a fun match for sure. Here's a pro tip for anybody who's thinking about making their oc a Roserade: don't! Because they're really hard to draw! At this point, I kinda draw myself as an anime boy more than an actual Roserade, but I think it turned out alright anyway. You might be wondering what the background is supposed to be. The answer is, I don't know, but it looked cool! The swirls and schedules around Turb were meant to reference his portrait, though I probably could've put one of Rio's face things in his hand to make that a bit clearer. I also realized after I posted that I drew the crown all wrong, but maybe that just means I have several crowns in my wardrobe to choose from.


This was, far and away, the most challenging prompt to create a concept for. I mean, could you blame me? Jesus. Still, I eventually settled on that guy with the evil eyes from Fire Emblem, Jedah (for the record, I don't know anything Fire Emblem, I just know him from Awards Mafia 6). Kammy is an old woman, so the logical conclusion was for her to be cosplaying Jedah, and of course that means Kamek had to be a mogall. I will firstly say that the coloring detail on Jedah's robes were the hardest to pull off of any drawing this tournament, but I think it turned out well in the end. The background was meant to be occupied by other cosplaying Mario characters, but I couldn't figure out how to make them work and I thought it might've been too distracting anyway, so I went with the comi-con banner instead. Overall, I'm happy with the detail work with this one, though I do wish the rest of the subject could've been something better. The title "jedah fire emblem" was chosen because jedah fire emblem


Now we've unlocked my FINAL FORM
Because of my title as Archduke, I knew I wanted to do something revolving around my province's people, so this idea came to life. The pillar of light in the center took a lot of reworking and recoloring, and I took a lot of inspiration from the Fate of the Universe drawings for the particle effects. The subjects took a lot of consideration to come up with, but I decided that I wanted four characters who were intrinsically tied to me. The top left and bottom right were the chef Kremling and stripper Koopa, and I loved the idea of the Koopa channeling their energy through their massive eyelashes. The top right is meant to be Petunia Pig of 'Shroomfest fame, while the bottom left is a Smoochum, for... Reasons. I never ended up drawing what the Radiant Archduke looks like on his own because drawing Roserade is hard.


You might immediately notice that the background for this drawing is a lot less complex than you might've been expecting. Unfortunately, I ended up taking my prompt about thirty minutes before I began a mental breakdown, so I didn't get nearly as far as I wanted with this art. I intended to do a lot with the building and the lighting and it just... Didn't happen. I wish it could, but I mean, at least I got the main subject put together. The idea was another immediate one, even if it didn't fit the prompt too well. I love these two little dog things, and I'm glad I got to put them together. There's not much more to this one, but fun fact: the background was originally just the text "I PICKED A BAD TIME FOR MY PROMPT LOL". "Lady and the Poltertramp" is a pretty simple play on words for the title.

And now a few extra things! Just a few doodles that didn't ever come out to anything

I wanted to draw a challenge piece for Edo, but I couldn't figure out the pose or how to draw a Roserade holding a rapier at all, so this is all that came out of it


This one I just started doodling myself on this canvas, but had I continued, I probably would've tried to make it a group shot of every competitor. Don't think I could pull that off even if I really tried

And that's all! I said it was just a few

There's your overly long overview of my scribbles, this tournament brought me so much joy and I'm glad I was able to share all of this with you
Surprise, again! After disappearing from my other sections like a specter, I've returned with a new section in Fake News that will actually exist for longer than one month! Read Sal T. Thespian's review of theatre shows across the Mushroom Kingdom in The Mushroom Marquee. Our first section details a vampiric performance in Toad Town!

As always, suggestions for improvement or future content are completely welcome.
It feels really great! I always love when I get the opportunity to write for The 'Shroom, because the paper means a lot to me and I like flexing those creative muscles to get new content out. My only real conflict with 'Shroom writing is time, which means that I should be hired full-time as a writer with minimum wage so I can quit my other jobs.
It feels really great! I always love when I get the opportunity to write for The 'Shroom, because the paper means a lot to me and I like flexing those creative muscles to get new content out. My only real conflict with 'Shroom writing is time, which means that I should be hired full-time as a writer with minimum wage so I can quit my other jobs.
Sorry Rose but we spent too much money on microphones so it's not in the budget
It feels really great! I always love when I get the opportunity to write for The 'Shroom, because the paper means a lot to me and I like flexing those creative muscles to get new content out. My only real conflict with 'Shroom writing is time, which means that I should be hired full-time as a writer with minimum wage so I can quit my other jobs.
If i can work 40 hours and write 8 sections you better be able to write 1!
Oh yeah I have a thread to update!

You can check out my most recent Mushroom Marquee sections:

Issue 183 featured a special Isle Delfino performance steeped in culture.

Issue 185 put the spotlight on a unique Awards Ceremony performance.

Issue 186 revealed the monstrous mishaps of a Broadway revival.

Though we are now months away from the ceremony, I also intend to analyze my work for my awards presentations sometime soon, so be on the lookout for that!