Will Solace
The truth can be significantly annoying
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Nominees, Democratic or Republican, since 1936 who didn't win even one election now have a chance to win in this game.
Alf Landon
Wendell Wilkie
Thomas E. Dewey
Adlai Stevenson
Barry Goldwater
Hebert Humphrey
George McGovern
Walter Mondale
Michael Dukakis
Bob Dole
Al Gore
John Kerry
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Hillary Clinton
Alf Landon
Wendell Wilkie
Thomas E. Dewey
Adlai Stevenson
Barry Goldwater
Hebert Humphrey
George McGovern
Walter Mondale
Michael Dukakis
Bob Dole
Al Gore
John Kerry
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Hillary Clinton
15. Barry Goldwater
14. Hillary Clinton
13. Herbert Humphrey
12. Mitt Romney
11. George McGovern
10. John Kerry
9. Wendell Wilkie
8. Bob Dole
7. Al Gore
6. John McCain
5. Michael Dukakis
4. Walter Mondale
3. Thomas E. Dewey
2. Alf Landon
1. Adlai Stevenson
14. Hillary Clinton
13. Herbert Humphrey
12. Mitt Romney
11. George McGovern
10. John Kerry
9. Wendell Wilkie
8. Bob Dole
7. Al Gore
6. John McCain
5. Michael Dukakis
4. Walter Mondale
3. Thomas E. Dewey
2. Alf Landon
1. Adlai Stevenson
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