How get good at Smash?

Hi everyone. I suck at this game. Is there a way to learn when to block and when to dodge? I seem to always get hit by everything.
*edit* I should mention, I'm an absolute beginner
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What's a good way to learn to react? I wish we could choose what a cpu attacks with in practice
*edit* I should mention, I'm an absolute beginner.

Right now I'm playing as Mario, facing every fighter at Lvl 3 four times each (twice in items on normal stage, twice in items off form stage) x (twice one on one, twice two vs two)
I'm always winning because they barely attack, but when they do they tend to hit.

To my current understanding/assumption,
Lvl 1-3 is to learn attacking
Lvl 4-6 is to learn defending/dodging
Lvl 7-9 is putting the two together

So maybe I should just up to 6?
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You're not going to be good at the game immediately. Take the time to learn the ins and outs. Before jumping into a real fight, learn the controls and read the tips that come in the game (assuming this is Ultimate). Pick a character you want to learn and learn how they work. Don't judge yourself based on how well other people are doing, just enjoy the game first and you'll gradually get better from there.
My best advice? Play the game. Just play it a lot. Get a feel of how it works, learn the mechanics of it, get a character you enjoy playing as and learn how they work. It doesn't hurt to watch a pro YouTube video or two about some of its more advanced mechanics that are more difficult to play with such as learning how to approach or the many different ways to recover to make your opponent follow-up depending on how you've been sent off the stage but you should do so after you learned the basics.

You don't need to feel shame in playing just CPUs. For me, that's the only thing I do 99% of the time I play Smash as I play Smash purely for fun and 8 player Smash chaoticness goodness and I think I'm still a formidable opponent when others do occasionally challenge me and I accept it.
as an absolute beginner, just play the game with cpus for a while until you get comfortable

you can't do anything more intensive than that until you find some mains you like playing as and get accustomed to the game
i guess maybe learn to read your opponents, like, try to predict what they're gonna do. also try to focus on specific characters instead of alternating.
Is it possible to block/avoid most attacks by seeing their tells? It happens so fast
Is it possible to block/avoid most attacks by seeing their tells? It happens so fast

Yes, you can "read" opponents to set them up for a punish. CPUs, for example, have predictable patterns to their behavior, and I often set them up with PK Thunder to slam with a Ness recovery (called PKT2). Or sometimes charging a Smash attack up for longer to catch dodging guys off guard. It's hard to explain really but you understand when you play the game more.
Fight CPUs at a steadily harder difficulty.

Also, avoid battle arenas unless you enjoy three other people ganging up on you until you lose all your stocks, then hanging around until time runs out without even hitting each other.

I also recommend playing "World of Light" as it contains spirits you can only get in that mode, plus it's a faster and easier way to unlock everybody.
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