- Pronouns
- He/him

credit to snack for image
alright, have to admire everyone deciding to play in this abandoned sicilian coastal town long enough to warrant me finally doing something as its gravedigger, so a snap decision was made to rename the board to something more fitting and in line with the other forum boards (since the original rename failed to encapsulate what actually goes on in here)
so welcome to Strategy
like the moon cycles, we go through many cycles of waxing and waning mafia activity; over the years we've had things such as a guild with its own constitution, guild ambassadors, a games schedule, and even old q&a and faq threads that are now defunct. but, the moon is overhead, and the time to cast an innocent light on these hallowed grounds is upon us once more
This thread will serve as the new General Discussion thread for the Strategy board; any questions you have on hosting, playing, or the board in general feel free to post in here so people can respond without cluttering other threads!
if you wish to write resources or guides, they may be bundled into a Resources / FAQ thread at a later date, with both Mafia and KG being topics people may want to read about!