Mend and Ruin: Cartoon Episode Last Places

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
This is a different kind of thread, as it functions like a hurt and heal except that the goal is to determine the worst out of a set, these being cartoon episodes that received last place in elimination games here. One's goal is to mend (heal) the episode that you like the most or dislike the least up to 0 HP, so the episode that is the only one to not get up to 0 HP by the end is deemed the worst cartoon episode. So "winning" this game is NOT something you want to have happen. Ruining (hurting) is also allowed, with minimum HP being -60. You can do a total of up to 4 HP of damage/healing of up to 2 items/episodes. (note: the episodes that didn't make it past Round 1 for the MLP:FiM Vote to Win aren't here because there are quite a few of them)

The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -26
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -26
28 Pranks Later: -26
Last edited:
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -26
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -26
28 Pranks Later: -24
@Velo you can do 4 HP mending
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -30
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -26
28 Pranks Later: -24
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -30
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
@Velo I meant you could do 4 HP of mending, where you heal the episode you like the most up to 0, or 4 HP of ruining, where you hurt the episode you dislike the most to an even lower number (as it's interesting you damaged an episode you just healed/mended)

I remember seeing Scare Master as a bit bland in parts, but it and The Beach are not as bad as most of the other episodes on here that I've seen.
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -32
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -24
28 Pranks Later: -28
Last edited:
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -32
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -22
28 Pranks Later: -28
@Velo 4 HP is the max
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -32
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -18
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -32
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -14
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -34
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -12
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -34
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -8
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -34
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master: -4
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -34
One Bad Apple: -26
Scare Master
28 Pranks Later: -28
Now we have the other least bad episode, The Beach. I will admit that while I wanted The Great Divide to make last place for the ATLA Episode KO a Character, I don't disagree with The Beach making the spot as much as I could have, but aside from Zuko being an uncharacteristic a-hole to Ty Lee this episode was fine. Just not close to the top half of Avatar: The Last Airbender, as in the Top 31 or 32 episodes since there's 63 episodes, lol. At the very least it's better than One Bad Apple for One Bad Apple having a dumbed-down depiction of bullying saying "JUST TELL AN ADULT AND DO NOTHING ELSE", 28 Pranks Later for the other ponies saying they'll give Rainbow Dash a much harsher prank than everything she did combined in the first half despite Rainbow ending up getting off really easy by the zombie prank, and ESPECIALLY The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well where when Rainbow Dash brags too much the other ponies don't tell her or even drop a hint to her face and then sabotage and emotionally wreck her behind her back, which is extremely indirect and pathetic and the exact opposite of what a good friend does, as a good friend is assertive and tells you if you're too arrogant to your face. I don't know if A Fish Called Kine is good or bad so maybe you guys could tell me but The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well is by far my least favorite out of the episodes I've seen here.
The Beach: -22
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -34
One Bad Apple: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -18
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -34
One Bad Apple: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -16
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -12
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -8
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach: -4
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
The Beach
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -26
28 Pranks Later: -28
A Fish Called Kine: -26
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -22
28 Pranks Later: -28
Since I haven't seen only but the very, very first Kirby: Right Back At Ya episodes, I do not feel that I am in a position to judge an episode I don't think I've seen like A Fish Called Kine as the worst, especially since I really don't care for at all the three MLP episodes remaining, especially Mare-Do-Well; yuck for how that episode turned out.
A Fish Called Kine: -22
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -22
28 Pranks Later: -28
A Fish Called Kine: -18
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -22
28 Pranks Later: -28
Also gonna start mending 28 Pranks Later because at least it wants to cover a "taste of your own medicine" moral even though it could have been executed much better, so the morals of One Bad Apple and The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well are still worse. That being said it's still not a great episode, and definitely not a good episode by the show's standards either
A Fish Called Kine: -16
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -22
28 Pranks Later: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -12
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -22
28 Pranks Later: -26
A Fish Called Kine: -8
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: -36
One Bad Apple: -22
28 Pranks Later: -26