Are you excited for the 2022 Mario movie?

Are you excited for the Mario movie coming out this year?

  • You bet I am!

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Yes…

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • A little bit

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Not really

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Nope not at all

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters
I'd say I'm cautiously optimistic. I really want it to be good, but at the same time, it's by Illumination and stars goddamn Chris Pratt as Mario so my expectations aren't super high.
I didn't really have a problem with Chris Pratt playing Mario until I heard he won't be using Mario's accent even at all.

Keegan Michael Key as Toad

It's going to be a good time.
I didn't really have a problem with Chris Pratt playing Mario until I heard he won't be using Mario's accent even at all.
I don't know if this is unpopular, but I think it's better if Mario doesn't have the accent in the movie. Sure, it won't ne 100% faithful to the series, but I think it'd be strange to hear the Italian accent with full sentences and dialogue. I believe the best way they could've done Mario's voice is by casting Charles Martinet as Mario but removing the accent, like they (kinda) did in Mario Odyssey.
I don't know if this is unpopular, but I think it's better if Mario doesn't have the accent in the movie. Sure, it won't ne 100% faithful to the series, but I think it'd be strange to hear the Italian accent with full sentences and dialogue. I believe the best way they could've done Mario's voice is by casting Charles Martinet as Mario but removing the accent, like they (kinda) did in Mario Odyssey.
I mean if Chris tries another accent aside from Italian that still sounds like an accent somewhat fitting for Mario's personality, like in the Mario cartoons (or even to an extent Hotel Mario as while the cutscenes are bad I could at least see why they picked the accent Mario has there), that will be fine. I just think it would be awkward if Mario sounds completely like Chris Pratt's normal voice.
I mean if Chris tries another accent aside from Italian that still sounds like an accent somewhat fitting for Mario's personality, like in the Mario cartoons (or even to an extent Hotel Mario as while the cutscenes are bad I could at least see why they picked the accent Mario has there), that will be fine. I just think it would be awkward if Mario sounds completely like Chris Pratt's normal voice.
That's the thing, I don't like the Italian accent that much, and that's why I don't like how Mario talks in the cartoons. I think they should've stayed with Charles Martinet but removed the Italian accent. I think Chris should go for a voice similar to when he played Emmet in the Lego Movie. This is all my opinion though, other people might disagree.
That's the thing, I don't like the Italian accent that much, and that's why I don't like how Mario talks in the cartoons. I think they should've stayed with Charles Martinet but removed the Italian accent. I think Chris should go for a voice similar to when he played Emmet in the Lego Movie. This is all my opinion though, other people might disagree.
See, that's an interesting contrast with my opinion where I do not want Mario to sound like Emmet at all.
See, that's an interesting contrast with my opinion where I do not want Mario to sound like Emmet at all.
Well, maybe he neither does a Cartoon Mario-style accent nor an Emmet voice, and he blows our minds with a voice that fits Mario? I mean, it can happen, having Chris Pratt doesn't automatically mean it's gonna be bad.
Well, maybe he neither does a Cartoon Mario-style accent nor an Emmet voice, and he blows our minds with a voice that fits Mario? I mean, it can happen, having Chris Pratt doesn't automatically mean it's gonna be bad.
Not at all does Chris Pratt voicing Mario means I'm automatically pessimistic; I'm rooting for him but just hoping he does what you said and makes a different voice that fits Mario, I just don't want him to really fall into the uncanny valley with his voice, as in not because his voice sounds uncannily good for Mario either
NGL Pratt's voice fits with my headcanon of Mario being a bit of a egotistical dum-dum.

But seriously, Charlie Day as Luigi is gonna be great.
I'm not even all that upset about the accent thing since I don't even write Mario and Luigi with Italian accents. I'm more upset that they cast someone who, at least according to what I've seen, is morally aligned with my mom to play one of my favorite characters. Chris Pratt has been shown to have ties to some pretty unsavory religious organizations and I'm not really happy that he gets to play Mario on that basis alone.

seth rogen

in all seriousness i'm mixed on the film

i'll wait till the first teaser or trailer comes out to decide whether or not i want to watch
I don't know if this is unpopular, but I think it's better if Mario doesn't have the accent in the movie. Sure, it won't ne 100% faithful to the series, but I think it'd be strange to hear the Italian accent with full sentences and dialogue. I believe the best way they could've done Mario's voice is by casting Charles Martinet as Mario but removing the accent, like they (kinda) did in Mario Odyssey.
Well I heard it, and while not everyone might like it, it's probably something you get used to like I did.

I didn't even get into these gems (Mario even speaks in Spanish in one)

Missed opportunity, for real, man, but I'll take what I can get.
I'm not very excited for it, mainly because Waluigi likely isn't even in it, but even if he was, he likely wouldn't be portrayed by Ryan Reynolds
I'm not even all that upset about the accent thing since I don't even write Mario and Luigi with Italian accents. I'm more upset that they cast someone who, at least according to what I've seen, is morally aligned with my mom to play one of my favorite characters. Chris Pratt has been shown to have ties to some pretty unsavory religious organizations and I'm not really happy that he gets to play Mario on that basis alone.

This is how I feel, too. I don't mind the lack of accents, I figure that would be difficult to keep up for a feature-length movie anyway, but Chris Pratt as a person makes me uncomfortable because of his religious affiliations. That being said, I'll likely still watch; I'm a FNAF fan, after all. If people supporting bad things on a team was enough to deter me from watching/playing something I'd basically watch/play nothing these days, I'm afraid.
Jack Black is King Koopa! He should just go overboard like in School of Rock.
The choice of casting is awful for this new movie in my honest opinion. Charlie Day as Luigi?!?!!? It's Always Sunny in the Mushroom Kingdom!!?!?!?!? Then we have Jack black as Bowser. Seems like the casting for this film was chosen for a 7th Grade English project and not professionals.
The cast reveal in the Nintendo direct was one of the most legendary shitposts I've ever seen.

i hope the actors are given a lot of ability to improv a lot of dialogue, and work on the script a little too. chris pratt is great at improv, and charlie day, key and seth rogen are phenomenal comedy writers imo. i hope they get to add a lot of their own jokes in there. get some BONGo joke in there for rogen.

its gonna piss off a lot of mario fans if they do that, but this movie sounds like suchhhhh a wild trip for the millenial mario fans like me. if they dumb it down too much, and dont work to their full potential, i wont like it as much. i dont want a "strictly for kids" movie.

despicable me and the minions movies are fun, but i dont think theyre enjoyable at all as an adult. too dumbed down