Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet


Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality
Generation 9 is announced!


The starters:

Looks like Piplup's got some competition for a Water-type bird starter! Not sure if the presence of the crocodile debunks the Chinese Zodiac fire starter theory. Also, the leaf cat is interesting because it's the rare carnivorous Grass-type.

Thank you for reading.
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Wow this game actually looks pretty good




And the starters are cool. If I buy this game I'm definitely choosing the duck.

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hnnngg the starters are so cute
it's going to be hard to choose between Catnip, TomatoChomp, and BlueFootedDucky
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Spain-inspired region? Oh hell yes, Spain's awesome. And the starters? Their names come from Spanish.

I love Fuecoco the most, adorable croc, we hadn't have a reptilian Fire starter since...crap I believe Charmander. This is the only the second time we had a reptile out of the entire Pokemon series. No wonder it feels so fresh. I really hope that Fuecoco becomes a quadruped when it evolves though, and please no Fighting type still.

I love Quaxly too, cute little duck starter!

And I hate the cat starter.
Not sure if the presence of the crocodile debunks the Chinese Zodiac fire starter theory.
I'm not sure what theory is that since it's not like Cyndaquil or Fennekin are based on any animal in the zodiac anyway.

Anyway I like Quaxly. I'm not getting the game as I've been burnt out from Pokemon mainline games for a while now. But I like Quaxly and I'm satisfied that my sister likes Fuecoco. The cat, I don't care about.
cautiously optimistic; shield did not hold my interest for very long but it's not like every game in the series has anyway, and i see the potential here. need more info though. realistically i'll likely end up with a version around christmas regardless so lol i'll watch and see how it looks

starters are nice at least! quaxly isn't quite doing it for me i'm sorry to say, but i like both sprigatito and fuecoco at first glance. slight preference towards grass kitty after first impressions but i always decide my starter after seeing final evos anyway
why are all of the games we get now are open world i mean

-Zelda BOTW
-Mario Odyssey
-Sonic Frontiers
-and now Pokemon G9

im starting to see a trend here
Cat's prolly my fav but it's probs gonna evolve into bait or something lol even though that wouldn't bother me too much.
(honestly just looking at the first form I really don't see the whole furry bait thing but going off what happened to litten I can see it evolving into bait)
The duck is cute too.
The croc is my least fav but I don't dislike it at all, I can see it evolving into like a fire-fighting type sumo though, which would suck hard. I hope I'm proven wrong.
why are all of the games we get now are open world i mean

-Zelda BOTW
-Mario Odyssey
-Sonic Frontiers
-and now Pokemon G9

im starting to see a trend here

You know the open world trend started more than 10 years ago, probably even earlier than that, correct?

Honestly I don't care if open world games are an oversaturated trend or whatever. I've wanted an open world Pokémon game ever since I was a kid and this is basically that. That's not too say I'm sold on the game though. I've been burnt too many times by this franchise. But Legends Arceus has at least given me some hope. Definitely gonna wait for more info.
I was not at all expecting any new Pokémon info after one month of Legends Arceus, let alone a 9th gen announcement! 2022 is looking crazy for this franchise!
"The cat starter is obviously furry bait..." Wh... What? It's. It's just a cat. That eye shape has also been used for other Pokémon plenty of times before. All Pokémon, especially nowadays, get design inspiration from something in the real world — disregarding it and putting down the design because it could appeal to furries seems a little unfair, and suggests that the character designers don't do any research.

Incineroar being brought up in here especially has me baffled, because it's so obvious that it's based off of the close association between tigers and wrestlers. It's even thought out enough that its Dark type represents a heel in professional wrestling. (In other words, Incineroar plays the "bad guy" role, which especially makes sense for Dark types, given they're "Evil" types in Japanese.) I do feel like its first evo wasn't the best predictor for the last one, but it's still really cool inspiration while taking it in a unique direction so it's its own creature that draws upon its origin, especially given that Hawai'i (the place the region is based off of) is a working place for a lot of professional wrestlers. It being fire type is especially a neat bonus because I remember going to Hawai'i and seeing a show there and seeing these beefy men not too far off of Incineroar's base who would play around with fire.

The cat starter's design philosophy right now doesn't seem all that different from Rockruff which never received this level of criticism. Or like... any of the cute basic animal starters which have been in the games since the beginning. I think it's cute, which is obviously what it was going for. I'm hesitating considering any of them my favorite until I see the final evos, but it's not a bad starting point by any means. Sometimes a Pokémon can just like, be a cat, you know?

(Given the starters often follow a theme and they may draw inspiration from Spanish culture, though, I'm interested to see how much of that will show in the later evolutions of this particular cat. The inspiration isn't obvious yet in this stage, but it isn't for any of them, so I want to see what direction it goes in.)
People are going to call things they don't like derogatory things, like "generic" and "furry bait" and whatnot. It's okay to dislike a model, but I try to express it in just benign terms. The cat isn't generic. It looks fitting alongside other Pokemon. It looks like a Pokemon. I just don't like the cat. That's all. But that's just my nasty bias; they could design the cat to have the most beautiful pattern in the world with Mario's insignia on it proudly proclaiming to be a Mario fan, and I still probably wouldn't like it.
Okay, I know we don't know much about the game yet, but still....
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet? I was unsure about Sword and Shield's names when I first heard about them, but seriously? Scarlet and Violet? Pokémon Chaos and Pokémon Order! It's right there! A perfect name!
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet? I was unsure about Sword and Shield's names when I first heard about them, but seriously? Scarlet and Violet?
I know, right! It's so much better than all those object names. I'm glad we went back to colors.
Plus, violet is a shade of purple, my favorite color.
I saw a comment saying that scarlet and violet could be referring to different spectrum of light (infared and ultraviolet light). No idea the validity of this but it could be an interesting idea, especially if they went all out with the potential for it.
I think people are reading too deeply into it lol. Pretty sure it's just colors.
im.. not sure how object game names are any worse or better than color game names? at all???