If there was one fictional guy you could go out with who would it be?

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
For myself in honor of pride month. Saying "this person for movies, this person for TV shows, this person for books, and this person for video games" is allowed and even encouraged as well
Just asking because of the title - is this thread just for those of us who like guys or is it for anyone regardless of who they're attracted to?

For movies I'd pick flash sentry, I don't really have any particularly good picks for tv shows or games (plenty of cute characters just not ones I'd go out with)
Just asking because of the title - is this thread just for those of us who like guys or is it for anyone regardless of who they're attracted to?
For anyone who has an opinion to the question, simply.
as an aroace, I have a answer. I'd just be a stupidly strong character, because if they like me enough to date me, they like me enough to save my life.
yeah i don't think using 'guys' in the context of this thread title works if you mean it for everybody (and really demonstrates that the 'guys is a gender neutral term' types are fulla shit tbh)
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I thought the thread was like hang out with, and you know I wanna hang out with Mario
I wouldn't go out with any fictional guy as I have a boyfriend and he's already perfect.