Issue 183


Emblem Engage!
Core 'Shroom Staff
Ninja Squid

Greetings, 'Shroom readers! Our Summer Special has now arrived for all of you to enjoy, but before I let you go, I do have some important announcements as usual, but trust me, it's worth it!

To start it all, I hope you are prepared to see a dashing issue. Really, the design of Issue 183 is gorgeous! I want to give my thanks to GBA (@Rohan Kishibe), @BBQ Turtle, @Lakituthequick, TPG (@Thanos (Car)), and Waluigi Time (@Shmaluigi) for providing fantastic assets that help making this a really standout Special Issue. You people really knock it out of the park this month. So, if you ever were wondering who were responsible for making the newspaper look this good, it's really them who put in this amount of effort for your enjoyment, so please, give them a warm thank you!

This month, we are also giving our congratulations to Waluigi Time in becoming our newest Fake News Director! After giving a review of all the applications we got during the process, The 'Shroom staff felt that Waluigi Time is the one who gave the best application with great ideas for the future of the team, so we are very much looking forward to his work as the new leader of the comedy area! We also want to thank everyone who has expressed interest in the position. Take note that we are keeping you in mind if we ever get a new opening in the 'Shroom staff!

Now, during this month's issue we have plenty of entertainment for you to get into! Our Blooper Race event is on, so please make sure to read all the races that happened in Isle Delfino and see who is taking the crown. Thank you to all of our community members who submitted a Blooper for the race! Your support is greatly appreciated! It is thanks to you that such events are entirely possible.

Do you have some votes in your pocket? If that is the case, I suggest you go to our Community Awards Dossier, and submit your votes for our different nominees! It is a good way to display your support for our different community members or events who have stood out over the past year and who have contributed to make this community more thrilling than ever. So, if you can (and of course you can), go and cast your votes! By the way, a little bird told me to do the same thing in our Mario and Fail Awards that are currently on the wiki's main page right next to where you are usually voting on the Poll Committee's polls. Afterall, the Awards season is here!

This month, we are also having a 'Shroomfest! We need your help to decide which makes the best destination for a trip between beaches and amusement parks. Make sure to go read our opening story as well as our judge's notes since we did some changes to our rules and guidelines. We did some improvements that we think will help keep making 'Shroomfest a fun event for everyone. Oh, and between you and me, I heard Team Beaches is actually the best so you might want to support that team! :boshi:

Do you remember Living Game hosted by @Snack where we were bringing people back to life from the jaws of death? Well, we've got something special for you regarding that. Shoey, as well as the Living Game players, gave us a special contribution this month where we are learning about what is now happening with the characters who had a second chance in life. Make sure to give it a read!

Another thing happening this month (it never ends!) is the Poll Chairperson Election! Who will lead the Poll Committee throughout its thirteenth term? If you are interested in running the team, make sure to read the election rules and submit a campaign! As someone who already did the job, it's quite fun, and if you are looking to gain some leadership experience in the community, it's a good first step!

Alright, that was pretty much everything important we had to cover. Please, enjoy our stunning issue, packed with plenty of content coming from both the 'Shroom staff and from our writers!

Thank you for your support, and enjoy your summer!
