What is the best and worst cartoon episode you’ve ever watched?

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
I'm not posting mine yet because I'm more interested in other users' thoughts
Does this count multi parters? (e.g. Teen Titans Go's BBRAE) If so would a two parter be counted as one episode or two episodes
Keep in mind this thread means two different episodes, one being the best and the other being the worst, instead of something being the best because of how dumb/etc. it is.
Best cartoon episode I've ever watched? People are probably gonna laugh at me for this, but for me it's The Little Merhog from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. The reason is because that episode was the episode that inspired me to start writing my most famous story series The Adventures of Team Fantasy and because that episode brought me a period of joy in an otherwise difficult year of my life.

As for the worst cartoon episode I've ever watched? One Coarse Meal from Spongebob Squarepants. Seriously, whoever thought that the idea of Mr. Krabs exploiting Plankton's fear of whales to drive him to near suicide would make for a nice episode needs a smack in the face.
House Fancy was one episode from Spongebob I didn't expect to have cringe animated gore to the point I had to make an effort to rinse that image off my mind for hours after the episode was done. I'm sort of a squeamish type too, so...\

I rather sit through Atlantis Squarepantis or whatever again than see that again. I think it put me off Spongebob entirely, though A Pal for Garry I also extremely disliked that episode.
Eh there are too many bests for me.. but I'll throw some down.

When we get to see Norma's biggest fear in Dead End Paranormal Park, and it's everyone and everything.

When Garnet sings about PTSD recovery in Steven Universe.

When Sadie sings about min wage labor in Steven Universe.

When SpongeBob does anything. Minus the handful of bad episodes.
Eclipse Lake (S2E9) from the Owl House is one of the best cartoon episodes I've seen recently. It's a nice blend of everything the show stands for (up until that point at least), and has a good pace throughout. Nothing feels forced, it all just flows freely.

The worst cartoon episode, however, is Visible Brad from The Adventures of Kid Danger. No. Just no.
As someone who's seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Seasons 1-7 and half of Season 8 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and half of the Danny Phantom episodes:

My favorite cartoon episode is either Zuko Alone for it covering Zuko's conflict in the episode with massive seamless emotional depth, or Twilight's Kingdom for it really doing a stellar job wrapping up everything in Friendship is Magic up to its point. It's really hard to tell because I haven't seen either of them in more than six years, but I might give the edge to Twilight's Kingdom as I think I remember seeing that as just a bit better.

My least favorite cartoon episode is probably Somepony to Watch Over Me out of the ones I've seen. Applejack is just really out of character and how it handles the conflict of overprotectiveness is really distasteful as
It turns Apple Bloom into an idiot to try to make it look like Applejack is justified in being overprotective
Like Applejack's controlling behavior is so obnoxious and takes up so much of the episode that it renders it intolerable, especially since I've been in a similar situation to this episode's conflict so how the moral is executed makes it even more grating. Although the three-headed monster scene is cool but that's the only scene I liked