Why do people eat greasy things while gaming?


I'm not sure how people can multitask doing this but my bigger issue is why are people ok with getting their controllers, keyboards and whatnot dirty?

especially when you do it to other people's stuff?
Because it makes things feel more casual
As someone who's kind of a clean freak, I don't eat stuff at all when I'm gaming. And more often than not, I've seen the "eating greasy things while gaming" thing portrayed as a trope or satire rather than a legitimate thing.
Are you seriously using a GameFAQs thread as proof that this is a common thing that happens?

Same way that eating something while you're watching TV or a movie makes it more casual.

not that common but people still do it to this day
Well either way, some people just don't care if they get their stuff dirty by eating while they're playing games and other people, you know, clean their stuff.

Like I don't make a habit of it, but I'll sometimes snack on some chips or something while I'm playing games on my laptop but I clean my keyboard once a week by spraying it with some compressed air to get out any crumbs that may have fallen in it and wiping it with a microfiber cloth. And once a month, I do a full cleaning of the keyboard, screen, remove the bottom cover to spray out any dust in the fans, etc.
You shouldn't eat greasy food while using any electronics. That can't be good for the system.
Well either way, some people just don't care if they get their stuff dirty by eating while they're playing games and other people, you know, clean their stuff.

Like I don't make a habit of it, but I'll sometimes snack on some chips or something while I'm playing games on my laptop but I clean my keyboard once a week by spraying it with some compressed air to get out any crumbs that may have fallen in it and wiping it with a microfiber cloth. And once a month, I do a full cleaning of the keyboard, screen, remove the bottom cover to spray out any dust in the fans, etc.

https://discord.gg/mariobaseball people in this discord tell me that they often eat greasy things because they are hungry and they say they are ok doing it to their friends controllers so I figured I could ask
i mean, the equipment gets dirty regardless of what you do. your hands aren't perfectly clean, after all. greasy foods are not the only things that can get them dirty, too, and arguably what's worse is drinking something around equipment since liquid damage is much harder to repair than some spare bread crumbs getting stuck between keys in a keyboard.

also, if you're gaming a lot during the day, especially if you're doing it for a job, it's either you eat around the equipment or you don't eat for several hours, and the latter is a preferable option. you could argue you could take "snack breaks", but when you're doing something like a speedrun that's several hours long, you don't have the time to do that.
There's a logical explanation for this, but you might not like it. Because gamers are sometimes not the most outdoorsy social people, they spend a lot of time inside by themselves. Since they sometimes don't care as much about health or appearance in this state, they sometimes eat junk food whenever they feel like it instead of eating more substantial hearty meals at mealtimes. Something to note is that since gamers sometimes do not have jobs or don't work very often, they have plenty of time to eat whenever desired. Of course, almost all junk foods are very greasy, which explains the relationship between gamers and greasy food.

It's very important to note that I don't mean to insult or shame anyone with this, as I myself kind of fit this pattern and plus it's not a terrible thing to do.