Do you wear glasses?

Do you wear glasses?

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le poulet
Well, do you? I've never needed them but when I put on other people's glasses everything looks blurry lol. I'm kind of a sunglasses freak tho I have cheap plastic ones that I wear when I want to look stupid I have sports sunglasses that are also good for work and I have Panama Jack aviator shades that are just kind of cool
I would have never guessed that there may be a correlation between being a Mario fan and having bad eyesight, but here we are.
I used to when I was a kid but I haven't needed them in a very long time. I remember I was excited to have them back then but now I'm grateful for no longer needing them.
I would have never guessed that there may be a correlation between being a Mario fan and having bad eyesight, but here we are.

There is a grain of truth to this: more and more people are getting near-sighted, and our looking at things in close proximity (such as looking into phones, books, and computer screens) is contributing to it.