Live action Zelda movie announced


Heart of an ox
Avi Arad apparently was behind production for a lot of the non-disney Marvel stuff. Wes Ball directed the Maze Runner trilogy. That doesn't really do much for my expectations one way or the other... My standards for a Zelda movie are a lot higher than they would be for Mario.
okay I don't know much about Avi Arad but Sony Pictures made the last two Hotel Transylvania movies, and the animation for those were...
It will make references to the source material that will make the fans go
"It was so cool to see ___ in live-action." "It was cool to see a realistic version of ___"
(I am fans.)

The story's probably gonna be whatever. Fingers crossed hope the pacing isn't really bad. The SMB movie is the best looking thing Illumination has ever made. This is one of the reasons it is the most expensive thing they've ever made. Illumination's whole deal is being as cheap as possible and making the monies, cutting corners. The studio makes all the stuff in their movies all shiny n pretty but for most of its releases the animation itself is fine, passable, nothing notable. Except SMB, it's very fluid, there's a lot more action, a lot of detail. That stuff takes a lot of cash. So, I think the film left a lot at the cutting room floor to lower production costs. Which led to a film that I thought flew by way too fast. That's all just my theory anyway. Zelda though, right?

Uh, my ideal Zelda film would be an adaptation of a single game. My top picks for a game to adapt into live action would be OOT or TP. I think both of those games stories and themes would work well for a film. If they were making an animated film, I'd say WW in a heartbeat. Link travelling across the ocean, coming across islands, doing dungeons it would be sick. But this is going to be live action so :(.
The ALTTP and ZELDA 1&2 would be... They'd make for really unoriginal flicks. Teh dude gets the strong and fights the evil man's minions and beats up the evil man and saves the world! They could make for some fun cheesy movies though lol. Okay I'm oversimplifying but look there's not a lot of emotional moments or characters with even the tiniest bit of depth in the entertainment system games. There wouldn't be much for a viewer to cling onto except the action y'know? I'll admit, they'd be ADAPTING the film so they could add more but mehhh the other games have more potential from the get-go.
Majora's Mask is best as a video game. In any other medium, it does not work nearly as well.

Now BOTW or TOTK... Could work but what I would really want is a film about what we don't get to see in those games! What we only hear from npcs or get small snippets of from memories.
Skyward Sword too! All that stuff before the events of the game.

Still, I'm not getting my ideal Zelda movie lol, companies aren't making films JUST for one person. This movie is probably going to be an original thing that mashes up the lore of a bunch of games. And like I said before I don't think it's gonna be anything fantastic.
Im just hoping it actually has the goofiness youd expect from a zelda game (characters like tingle and groose, and also some games having a cartoony artstyle without that feeling out of place), i don't want this to just be a generic dark fantasy film
The only thing I want out of this movie is for Beedle to be in it.

I think it'd be funny and it would be the pinnacle of "to keep Hyrule in balance and at peace, you must seek out these important reincarnating/legacy individuals - the courageous hero, Link, the wise princess, Zelda, the ambitious and powerful Ganondorf... and Beedle, with his affordable prices". I mean, can you imagine Beedle making it into the movie?