Sparks’s Art Creations


Cute fire pig Pokémon!
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Hi everyone! I'm known as SparksMarioWiki (I'm "Sparks" on the Mario Wiki) and I have just created my forum account on the Mario Boards today on January 3, 2024! I've been active on the Mario Wiki for over a year now editing many articles and pages (especially Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope related stuff). Anyways this is my first thread I'm posting, so hopefully I'm doing this right haha. These are trace-over sketches of several characters from Sparks of Hope I made back at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. These characters include Rabbid Rosalina, Rabbid Peach, Midnite, Daphne, Edge and Kanya (who I called "Mystery Rabbid" at the time) I also made another sketch of Rabbid Luigi not shown here (I did not trace over it and so it looks pretty bad). I don't know how active I'll be on the forums as I am much more active on the Mario Wiki itself. Enjoy these sketches!


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I thought threads like this were only meant for Mario related art, but I saw other users create non-Mario art so I thought, "I created freehand pony sketches a few days ago. Why not post them here?"

I used reference images to try to recreate them in sketch form, freehand. This means I did not trace over them, but I still think they turned out great!

The left images are the reference images. The right images are my freehand sketches.

Trixie Lulamoon: (If you're wondering why there are random words next to my sketch, they were actually part of a game of remembering things in one of my classes. That game was just for fun. I got bored and decided to draw a sketch of Trixie Lulamoon while it was going on LOL)
Sweetie Belle:
Today is Tara Strong's Birthday! To celebrate her Birthday, I have created a freehand sketch of Twilight Sparkle, my favorite character that she has voiced!

To the left is the reference image of Twilight Sparkle. To the right is my freehand sketch of Twilight Sparkle.

Thanks to Random Question of the Day: Revived for reminding me of Pokémon!

Back in 2021 I traced over various images of Pokémon I like. These Pokémon include Pikachu, Tepig, Oshawott, Snivy, Manaphy and Victini. These were created before my other sketches you see above this post.







For a school art project in 2021, we all had to create something as if it was made out of pencils. I decided to choose Jigglypuff:
NOTE: Image has been cropped a little bit to remove personal information.

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What do you do if your community college's Wi-Fi goes out for the whole day? You draw!

I found this image of Pinkie Pie with the text "I WANT YOU". I decided to do a freehand sketch of it and I'd say the end result was a success!

The reference image:

My freehand sketch:
What do you do while you're waiting for your energy to replenish in The Battle Cats? You draw!

My first original sketch that I've posted, it is of Muffins holding a muffin with the text "MUFFIN?" above her. To the left is my username and date that I've posted it to prove that it's original.

Drawing this was kinda difficult. I was figuring out how to draw Muffins's hair and body structure, but being my first original sketch I think it turned out OK.
This is a Cross Stitch of Kirby I made two years ago in my senior year of high school. I still have it so I thought you all would like to see it! Also Kirby's Epic Yarn was a game, so this is perfect!
Here is my contribution to the recent Picture Pilgrimage collaborative event! The color I chose was gold! The image was created in You Doodle on the App Store. It was drawn over the course of 3 days, from June 24 to June 26, 2024. I'm so happy that I got to participate, and thank you @Lin Beifong for hosting this whole thing!
And here is a step by step process of how I created my final image! It's presented in a slideshow! Pretty cool huh?

Step 1: What do I have to build off of?
I was part of track 2, after @Anton. Here is the part of his image that was given to me. Based on looking at it, it looks like a lively café scene. There's an incomplete banner as well, which I am to finish! It even features a Yoshi mascot! Overall, Anton left me with so many possibilities on how to continue from his contribution.
Step 2: Continuing the banner
My first action was to finish the overall shape of the banner. I wasn't sure what to write on it yet, so I just finished the overall shape of it. I made the color of it be Anton's color, Crayola Orange for a better connection between both of our images.
Step 3: Finishing the banner
With the design of the banner done, I now have to write something on it. I decided to make my image be of a library because it kinda fits with the café theme and libraries themselves are cool. I originally planned to make my contribution be of a theater, but I scrapped it upon realizing how difficult it would be to make a stage and an audience.
Step 4: Starting the outside section
While I planned for most of my image to take place in a library, I wanted to have the transition be of something entirely different, so I went with the exterior of the building. The background is of a snowy night (with a crescent moon!) and I created stairs leading to the library's entrance, as well as a doorknob. Those little dots in the sky are meant to be snowflakes. I also drew a yellow Toad reaching for the doorknob (who looks very happy)! I decided to make a Toad because there have been Yellow Toads before. Why not make good use of my color choice right?
Step 5: Drawing more characters for outside
Continuing drawing my outside section, I decided to add more characters there. I drew both a Yellow Shy Guy (who looks taller than your typical Shy Guy) and a Mr. Blizzard. The Shy Guy is meant to be a customer entering the library (like the Toad) and Mr. Blizzard is just meant to go with the snowy theme. He's off in the background. I also filled in the staircase.
Step 6: Finishing up the sky
I decided to change the moon's color to gold instead of white to make it stand out more, and because moons are typically yellowish in paintings in such. I also added several stars in the sky to brighten it up!
Step 7: Starting the library itself
With the outside done, I start the interior of the library! I try my best to connect the floor with the café's and add a clock to the wall (with dots instead of numbers) and two bookshelves, one larger than the other. I fully colored the right bookshelf's books too. A library's gotta have books and bookshelves right?
Step 8: Making a change
I then decided to remove the leftmost bookshelf and instead make a poster on the wall. I did this because I wanted a fun element to go on the wall, as there wouldn't be anything fun if there were just bookshelves.
Step 9: What's on the poster?
Continuing the poster, I decided to write "Have you read today?" on it to make it be a motivational poster. Speaking of reading, have you read something today?
Step 10: Finishing the poster (as well as the clock)
Now to finish up the poster! I drew what's supposed to be Anton saying "Knowledge is power!" (think of this building as one location - a combination of a café and a library. That means it's entirely run by Anton, or at least I assumed it was). He owns the place! I also replaced the dots on the clock with actual numbers to make it resemble a clock more. It's 10:00 PM, which further proves that it's night.
Step 11: Getting the floor done!
Now on to the floor! I wanted the design to be similar to the café's, so I drew lines going diagonally opposite of the café's. I also made them gold to separate the library from it. Some of them look very sloppy, but I fix them all later.
Step 12: Fixing Toad's hand
I felt that Toad's hand wasn't done correctly, so I fixed it. A minor change basically.
Step 13: The first table (and a chair)
It's time to add in some furniture! I start by adding a large table (with a chair) in the center of the library. I looked at the tables on Anton's side for reference. This one is much bigger than the café tables. The chair that you see is a placeholder, as I plan to draw someone in front of it.
Step 14: Look! A Boo!
And the first character inside the library is… a Boo! I drew him over the chair's position because it was meant to be a placeholder as I've mentioned. The book that he's holding also has my signature on it! Just ignore the fact that the outline of the book goes over his arms. It'll stay like that for a few more slides…
Step 15: A chair on the opposite side of the table
Title says all. I draw a chair on the opposite side of the Boo's location. Unlike the first chair, I didn't plan for anyone to be there and thus this chair will actually stay!
Step 16: Happy Goomba!
Of course only one character inside the library isn't enough! I decided to draw a Goomba excited to see "Yoshi" on Anton's café side! I made him yellow because there have been Yellow Goombas before (New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario Odyssey for example). Gold is close enough to yellow I say!
Step 17: YOSHI!
To express his excitement for Yoshi, I wrote YOSHI! above the Goomba to show his excitement for the character. It seems that his happiness is so much that he forgot this was a library… the nearby Boo quietly shushes him.
Step 18: A warm welcome (mat)
Next up I draw a welcome mat where the library entrance is. It's even turned sideways to face the customers!
Step 19: Another table (with two more chairs)
Have you ever seen a library with only one table? I haven't, and so I created a second table with two more chairs next to it! I made them all at an angle, which made them more difficult to draw than the first table and its chairs. I did it though!
Step 20: More chairs!
To make up for the lack of tables, I drew four more chairs for the library, with each table receiving two! The two chairs facing sideways were tough to draw because I didn't want their backs to be too thin or thick. Do you notice that one chair by the second table is distanced from it? That's where the Goomba was sitting! He pushed back in his chair and got up to see "Yoshi". Also I finally fixed the issue with Boo's hands and his book's outline. All better!
Step 21: What was the Goomba reading?
On the second table there's a giant book titled "History of Yoshis". That Goomba sure is a huge Yoshi fan!
Step 22: Making room for one more customer
To make room for one more customer, I erased some of the first table's leftmost chair. I also accidentally made a small black line between the Boo and Goomba. Ignore that, it gets erased later.
Step 23: Drawing Yoshi's outline
And now for the most difficult part of drawing my image. I decided to add one final character to the library - an actual Yoshi! He was so hard to draw, and so I started with an overall outline of him on the chair. The next slide has him fully drawn!
Step 24: Finishing the Yoshi!
Whew! Yoshi is complete! His body structure was complicated but after about an hour and 20 minutes of drawing I finally did it! He's gold, like many other characters shown here but he has some Crayola Orange as well. I also gave him his own book (which was also complicated to draw). What's he reading? Your guess is as good as mine. I should also point out that the small line was removed. Thank goodness!
Step 25: Wrapping it up!
To wrap up my image, I added a thought bubble above the Yoshi, where he wonders if the excited Yoshi-fan Goomba knows that he's there, because he's an actual Yoshi. That's funny! You may also have noticed, but throughout the slideshow I made the characters' outlines thicker to distinguish them from the environment.

Check out the final result of the Picture Pilgrimage here!
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Wow I haven't posted in this thread for a while!

So a new user joined the Discord server and they are a huge fan of IDLE from Mario & Luigi: Brothership. Heck, their sketches of the characters are incredible! I decided to draw some sketches of my favorite IDLE member: Ireen.

They were just for fun and I haven't drawn since the Picture Pilgrimage back in July, but I don't think these turned out too bad.
I have a reference image of Ireen to help with my first drawing, and I did look up an image of her in her IDLE stance, but the third and fourth images are drawn on my own. I think I got better as I went. I should draw more often.
Wow I haven't posted in this thread for a while!

So a new user joined the Discord server and they are a huge fan of IDLE from Mario & Luigi: Brothership. Heck, their sketches of the characters are incredible! I decided to draw some sketches of my favorite IDLE member: Ireen.

They were just for fun and I haven't drawn since the Picture Pilgrimage back in July, but I don't think these turned out too bad.
I have a reference image of Ireen to help with my first drawing, and I did look up an image of her in her IDLE stance, but the third and fourth images are drawn on my own. I think I got better as I went. I should draw more often.
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i just made an account so i just wanna say
i am the "new user" who joined the discord
yall are very nice fellas. keep up the great work

What do you do when one of your classes suddenly gets canceled? I decided to just trace over the amazing Anglefish model I love dearly! Just ignore those dark pencil markings though - they give him the look of a warrior with the scars to prove it!
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