Mario is called "funny wahoo man" or "bing bing wahoo". In the same vein, what would the other Mario characters be called?


Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality
On the internet, Mario is among other things, known for being a "funny wahoo man" or "bing bing wahoo". I cannot tell if either of these are affectionate especially based on where the latter term came from. Now I'm wonder about the other characters.

For example, someone on a chat calls Yoshi "gutbusting brrringha boy" or Wario "smelly toot guy", but these are merely suggestions so shouldn't be used as gospel.

In this case, since Mario is called either of these, what about the other characters?

Thank you for reading.

Relevant perhaps
if you're naming characters after things they say, luigi could be named mario
Maybe in this case, Luigi could be "greenie mario scaredycat" or something like that.
Or how about Peach, who yells Mario's name, so she could be "peachy MaAaaAriOooOo princess".

Relevant perhaps
So if Mario is "funny wahoo man", then Luigi would be "funny wahee man", Wario would be "funny wawahoo man", and Waluigi would be "funny wahahee man". Sounds fun.

Thank you for reading.
So if Mario is "funny wahoo man", then Luigi would be "funny wahee man", Wario would be "funny wawahoo man", and Waluigi would be "funny wahahee man". Sounds fun.
Yep that's what I'm saying!