What is your favorite type of exercise?

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
Self-explanatory. Mine is running, easily.
I gripe about my job a lot but I genuinely love walking house to house delivering mail, it's how I stay in shape.

Too bad that that's not something you can just initiate on a whim.
I'm really not a fan of sports/exercise in general but my favourites are definitely swimming and walking.
Biking by a mile (pun intended). It's a great leg workout obviously, and it builds plenty of core strength too. I take my mountain bike out on my county's ATV trails and ride for miles, normally I'll hop on the trail by my house, ride out of town, and ride back into town on a major road.

I've found that my body type is well suited for biking, and on a good day I can do at least 10 miles depending on how much time I have. There's just something exciting about getting out in nature, not being sure where the trails will take you, and pushing yourself to your limits.

On the other hand, I've always been terrible at running for some reason. I can sprint for about 10 seconds, then I tap out. And as for jogging, I basically can't make it quarter of a mile without becoming exhausted.