Choosing a Starter of Every Type

Greninja The Mario Karter

Greninja the Water/Dark Ninja
He, Him, His
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could choose a starter of every type? Well, I want to choose what I believe would be the best pick for a starter of every type. Before I do, I would like to establish some criteria.
Mandatory Criterion
This first criterion is mandatory. The Pokemon in question has to evolve twice (meaning it has to have a three stage evolutionary line), and it has to maintain the specified type throughout its entire line. For example, Larvitar can be a Rock starter, but it can't be a Ground or Dark starter because its final stage, Tyranitar, switches out Ground for Dark.
General Targets
These next criteria aren't as strict because they're general targets.

For the first general target, I want to get close to starter base stat totals. The target ranges for each stage are shown in the table below.
Minimum Base Stat Total​
Evolutionary Stage​
Maximum Base Stat Total​
I want the Pokemon in question to get within or as close to these ranges as possible.

For the second general target, the Pokemon should ideally evolve via level up all the way through, and even more ideal, its first evolution should occur in the teens (level 10-19) while its second evolution should occur in the thirties (level 30 to 39). I will allow for non-level up evolutions, but I will try to avoid trade evolutions whenever possible.

For the third general target, I want to pick the Pokemon that looks and feels the most like a starter to me. I will allow for dual typed evolutions, but I would rather avoid them if possible.

With all that said, let's cover these types in alphabetical order.

Bug Type
BugIC Superbig (Gen 9 Colors).png

First in alphabetical order is Bug. Here are the options for Bug in National Pokedex order.
  • Caterpie
  • Weedle
  • Wurmple
  • Sewaddle
  • Venipede
  • Scatterbug
  • Grubbin
  • Blipbug
I will immediately eliminate Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple, and Scatterbug because they have bad base stat total problems: their final forms (Butterfree, Beedrill, Beautifly/Dustox, and Vivillon respectively) are as weak as middle stage starters. Here are the remaining options for Bug.
  • Sewaddle
  • Venipede
  • Grubbin
  • Blipbug
All four of these options have final forms whose base stat totals get generally close to the target range. Scolipede has the lowest base stat total of the final forms with 485 (475 in Gen V), it has the worst overall evolution levels (22 for first evolution and 30 for second evolution, averaging out to level 26), and its base form, Venipede, is part Poison. Leavanny and Vikavolt have a base stat total of 500 (490 for Leavanny in Gen 5), but Leavanny's base form, Sewaddle, is part Grass, and both evolve at level 20 for their first evolution and require a funky evolution method for their second evolution. Orbeetle has the highest base stat total of the final form Bug type options, with 505.

Blipbug (180) and Dottler (335) are significantly weaker than the target range for base and middle forms, while Grubbin (300) and Charjabug (400) are much closer. However, Blipbug has better evolution; it evolves at level 10 then level 30, which are the minimum for the target level ranges I'm going for. Grubbin doesn't evolve until level 20, then Charjabug requires either a special magnetic field or a Thunder Stone. Both are solid choices, but I'm going with Blipbug as the Bug starter. Its lower evolution levels somewhat make up for its lower stats, and Orbeetle is slightly closer to the target range for final forms.
Dark Type
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Next is Dark. Here are the options for Dark in National Pokedex order.
  • Galarian Zigzagoon
  • Sandile
  • Pawniard
  • Deino
  • Impidimp
I will immediately eliminate Deino and Pawniard for having egregious evolution levels (50 then 64 for Deino, averaging out to 57; then 52 for Pawniard). Imagine not being able to evolve your starter a single time until level 50. That would suck, wouldn't it? Here are the remaining options for Dark.
  • Galarian Zigzagoon
  • Sandile
  • Impidimp
All three of the final forms have base stat totals close to the target range, and the base forms are universally weaker than base form starters, with Sandile (292) getting the closest. However, Galarian Linoone (420) falls exactly within the range, while Krokorok (351) and Morgrem (370) are noticeably weaker. While all three lines evolve by level up, Galarian Zigzagoon has the best evolution levels, evolving at 20 then 35 (albeit at night), compared to Sandile evolving at 29 and 40, then Impidimp evolving at 32 and 42. Combine that with the fact that Obstagoon gets the closest to the range of the final forms, and Galarian Zigzagoon is the Dark starter.
Dragon Type
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Next is Dragon. Here are the options for Dragon in National Pokedex order.
  • Dratini
  • Bagon
  • Gible
  • Axew
  • Deino
  • Goomy
  • Jangmo-o
  • Applin
  • Dreepy
  • Frigibax
I will eliminate Applin since neither evolution is a level up evolution. The problem with three stage Dragon types is that most of them are Pseudo-legendaries, which tends to mean bad evolution levels and final forms that are way stronger than final form starters. However, I have three Pseudo-legendary options and one non-Pseudo option.
  • Bagon
  • Gible
  • Axew
  • Jangmo-o
Axew is a pretty solid starter fit because its base stat totals are great. Axew (320) and Fraxure (410) are both within the range for base and middle forms, and Haxorus (540) is only five points above the range for final forms. It would be perfect if it had better evolution levels. Axew doesn't evolve until level 38, and then Fraxure at level 48 (averaging out to level 43). These are disgustingly high, and three Pseudo-legends have better overall evolution levels: Jangmo-o evolves at 35 then 45 (averages out to 40), Bagon evolves at 30 then 50 (also averages out to 40), and Gible evolves at 24 then 48 (averages out to 36). Of the three Pseudos mentioned, Bagon makes the most sense to me as a starter. It has better evolution levels than Jangmo-o, and it's pure Dragon unlike Gible. Just like the other two, Bagon is close to the target range, Shelgon is within it, and Salamence is way above it.

I need to consider not just what's closer to the target range, but also what would be fairer to use in a playthrough, and this made me choose Bagon as the Dragon starter. If you're going to deal with a slower leveling rate and higher evolution levels, you should be rewarded handsomely with a stronger final form, not a final form that's just as strong as all of the others. You'll have to do some work to get your Bagon up to a Shelgon up to a Salamence, but when you get there, you'll have a Salamence, whereas if Axew was the starter, you would do a similar amount of work, if not worse, for Haxorus, which is noticeably weaker, and I don't think that's fair. And worse, Axew is in the Slow experience group.
Electric Type
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Next is Electric. Here are the options for Electric in National Pokedex order.
  • Pichu
  • Alolan Geodude
  • Magnemite
  • Elekid
  • Mareep
  • Shinx
  • Tynamo
  • Pawmi
I would like to immediately eliminate Pichu because all three stages are weaker than the target ranges, and this evolutionary line has both a friendship evolution and a stone evolution. There are way better options, but two stand above the rest. Alolan Geodude, Magnemite, Elekid, Tynamo, and Pawmi all have three stages, but have a funky evolution method for their second evolution. Mareep and Shinx don't have that problem. Both evolve at level 15 then 30, and their base and middle forms have similar base stat totals to each other and thus are equally close to the target ranges. However, Luxray has a higher base stat total of 523, while Ampharos only has 510 (500 pre-Gen VI). Both are solid options, but I have to go with Shinx as the Electric starter.
Fairy Type
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Next is Fairy. Here are the options for Fairy in National Pokedex order.
  • Cleffa
  • Igglybuff
  • Togepi
  • Azurill
  • Ralts
  • Flabebe
  • Impidimp
  • Tinkatink
I would like to eliminate Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Azurill because not only do they all use friendship, but they're all weaker than the target ranges (Clefairy is as weak as a base stage starter, and both Wigglytuff and Azumarill are as weak as middle stage starters), and two of them also use stones; while Togepi has solid base stat totals for its middle and final forms, it too uses friendship and a stone. I would also like to eliminate Ralts because while it evolves via level up all the way through (20 then 30) and Gardevoir (518) is close to the target range, Ralts (198) and Kirlia (278) are pitifully weak. Kirlia is weaker than a base stage starter. Also, Impidimp has bad evolution levels (32 then 42), so I won't really consider it here. Here are the remaining options for Fairy.
  • Flabebe
  • Tinkatink
I have a dilemma here. Should I pick Tinkatink, which evolves via level up all the way through but has not so good evolution levels (24 then 38), or should I pick Flabebe, whose first evolution is at level 19 but uses a stone for its second evolution? I ultimately decided to pick Flabebe as the Fairy starter since it can evolve overall sooner than Tinkatink does. Also, while Tinkatuff has a better base stat total than Floette, both Flabebe and Florges have better base stat totals than Tinkatink and Tinkaton respectively. Also, Flabebe is pure Fairy while Tinkatink has a secondary Steel type.
Fighting Type
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Next is Fighting, which will be easy and short since there are only three options. Here are the options for Fighting in National Pokedex order.
  • Mankey
  • Machop
  • Timburr
None of these options have ideal evolutions. They all have their first evolution in the twenties (28 for Mankey and Machop, and 25 for Timburr), and for their second evolution Machoke and Gurdurr evolve by trade or by using the Linking Cord from Legends Arceus, and Primeape has to use Rage Fist 20 times then level up, so we'll have to live without the perfect evolutions here. Let's look at their stats. All three base forms have a BST of 305. As for middle stages, Machoke and Gurdurr are on the bottom border of the target range with 405, while Primeape is above the range at 455. However, Annihilape fits perfectly within the target range for final forms with 535, while Machamp and Conkeldurr lag behind at 505. I choose Mankey as the Fighting starter for two reasons: its the only one whose second evolution can occur without the need of another game, and its final form fits in the stat range perfectly.
Fire Type
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Next is Fire, and there are only two non-starter options for Fire in National Pokedex order.
  • Magby
  • Litwick
Both options evolve late (30 for Magby and 41 for Litwick), and their second evolution has a funky evolution method (trade while holding a Magmarizer for Magmar and Dusk Stone for Lampent), so we'll have to look at stats. However, I have to choose Magby for the Fire starter because not only does it evolve sooner than Litwick, but it also has better overall stats.
Flying Type
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Next is Flying, and this will be short. Here are the options for Flying in National Pokedex order.
  • Pidgey
  • Zubat
  • Hoppip
  • Starly
  • Pidove
  • Fletchling
  • Pikipek
  • Rookidee
Most of these Flying types have the Normal type tacked onto them, but thankfully, I don't have to deal with this since Rookidee exists. Rookidee is pure Flying, the only one outside of Corvisquire (its evolution) and Tornadus (a Legendary). It's a bit weaker than regular starters, but all of the other Flying type options have the same problem except for Crobat. Crobat is within the final form base stat total range, but I don't like that it has a friendship evolution, Zubat having lower stats, Golbat having higher stats, and the persistent Poison type. Of the non-Crobat options, Talonflame gets the closest to the final form BST range with 499, but Corviknight is the next closest with 495, so Rookidee is the Flying starter.
Ghost Type
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Next is Ghost, which is similar to Fighting: there are a few options, but none of them are great. Here are the options for Ghost in National Pokedex order.
  • Gastly
  • Duskull
  • Litwick
  • Honedge
  • Dreepy
Dreepy is immediately eliminated because although it's the only Ghost type option to evolve via level up all the way through, its evolution levels are the disgusting 50 and 60. Litwick, Duskull, and Honedge all evolve at 41, 37, and 35 respectively, which aren't as bad, but are still bad. This leaves only Gastly, which has the best evolution level, evolving at 25 and then by trade. We can get around this with the Linking Cord. Gastly (310) and Haunter (405) fit perfectly within the range for base and middle forms, while Gengar (500) is a little underpowered. Chandelure (520) is closer to the target range and Dusknoir (525) is within it, but again, being stuck with a Litwick until level 41 and a Duskull until level 37 would really suck. It's not ideal, but Gastly is the Ghost starter.
Grass Type
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Grass has plenty of non-starter three stage options. Here are the options for Grass in National Pokedex order.
  • Oddish
  • Bellsprout
  • Hoppip
  • Lotad
  • Seedot
  • Budew
  • Sewaddle
  • Bounsweet
  • Applin
  • Smoliv
I will immediately eliminate Sewaddle since it feels more like Bug type than it does a Grass type. Hoppip, Lotad, Seedot, and Bounsweet all have their first evolutions in the teens (10-19), but their entire lines are consistently weaker than regular starters, Lotad and Seedot use a stone, and Hoppip and Bounsweet have their second evolution in the twenties (20-29), which is a bit early for a second evolution. Smoliv doesn't have its first evolution until level 25, and its first two stages are underpowered. Applin has funky evolution methods, and its base form is underpowered while its middle stage, Dipplin, is almost as strong as a final stage starter. Here are the remaining options for Grass.
  • Oddish
  • Bellsprout
  • Budew
All three of these options use stones for their second evolutions, but I have to pick Budew for the Grass starter since its first evolution is the only one that can occur in the teens, while both Oddish and Bellsprout don't evolve until level 21. Also, Roserade is the closest of the final forms to the BST range.
Ground Type
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Ground has a solid chunk of options. Here are the options for Grass in National Pokedex order.
  • Geodude
  • Rhyhorn
  • Swinub
  • Trapinch
  • Gible
  • Sandile
I will look at Swinub, Trapinch, Gible, and Sandile since they evolve via level up all the way through (although Piloswine needs a certain move to level up). However, they all stink in terms of evolution levels. The earliest is Gible at 24, but then not again until 48. Sandile is next at 29 then 40, and the other two don't evolve for the first time until sometime in the 30s. For base forms, all but Swinub (250) are underpowered but close. For middle stages, Gabite (410) is within the range, Piloswine (450) is above it, and Krokorok (351) and Vibrava (340) are weaker by a chunk. For final forms, Mamoswine (530) is within the range, Flygon (520) and Krookodile (519, 509 in Gen V) are close, and Garchomp (600) is way above it. Of these options, Trapinch is the Ground starter because it's the only one that's pure Ground in its base form.
Ice Type
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Next is Ice, which is similar to Ground: there are a few options, but none are great. Here are the options for Ice in National Pokedex order.
  • Swinub
  • Spheal
  • Vanillite
  • Frigibax
Much like the Ground type options, all of the Ice type options have late evolution levels. The earliest is Spheal at 32, but not again until 44. Swinub is next at 33, and Vanillite and Frigibax evolve at 35. For base stats, while Mamoswine (530) has good stats, Swinub (250) has low stats, and Piloswine (450) has high stats. Baxcalibur (600) is a Pseudo and thus super powerful. Spheal and Vanillite both have stages that get within or close to the target ranges, and Vanillite is pure Ice. However, Vanillite is in the Slow experience group. Seriously Unova, what's with all of these Pokemon, especially those in the Slow experience group, that both evolve late and are not that strong by the end? This is just unacceptable, as it makes them bad starters. Just make Swinub the Ice starter because it's the only one whose second evolution can occur in the 30s.
Normal Type
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Next is Normal, it has plenty of options. Here are the options for Normal in National Pokedex order.
  • Pidgey
  • Igglybuff
  • Happiny
  • Porygon
  • Teddiursa
  • Galarian Zigzagoon
  • Slakoth
  • Whismur
  • Starly
  • Lillipup
  • Pidove
  • Pikipek
  • Smoliv
Galarian Zigzagoon is already the Dark starter, so it's out. I would also like to eliminate the Normal/Flying options and Smoliv because they feel a lot more like their respective types than they do a Normal type. Here are the remaining options for Normal.
  • Igglybuff
  • Happiny
  • Porygon
  • Teddiursa
  • Slakoth
  • Whismur
  • Lillipup
Igglybuff, Happiny, Porygon, Teddiursa, and Slakoth all have three stages, but it's mainly evolution problems, or it's Slaking having the same base stat total as both Groudon and Kyogre but a garbage ability. Whismur and Lillipup don't have any of those problems. Lillipup is less underpowered all the way through compared to Whismur, and it evolves at 16 then 32, while Whismur doesn't evolve until 20 then 40. With all that said, Lillipup is the Normal starter.
Poison Type
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Next is Poison. Here are the options for Poison in National Pokedex order.
  • Weedle
  • Female Nidoran
  • Male Nidoran
  • Zubat
  • Oddish
  • Bellsprout
  • Gastly
  • Budew
  • Venipede
I would like to eliminate Budew and Gastly since they're the Grass and Ghost starters respectively, and I would also like to eliminate all other Grass/Poison and Bug/Poison options because they feel a lot more like one type than the other. Here are the remaining options for Poison.
  • Female Nidoran
  • Male Nidoran
  • Zubat
I like that the Nidorans evolve at level 16 and their pure Poison type base forms, but I don't like Nidoking and Nidoqueen's lower base stat totals and stone evolution. For Zubat, I like that Crobat is within the final stage BST range, but I don't like Zubat having low stats, Golbat having high stats, the friendship evolution, and the persistent Flying type.

It's tough to decide, but I'll go with Zubat as the Poison starter. The friendship evolution is a smaller problem as a later evolution than an earlier evolution, because getting your Zubat up to level 25 already builds some friendship, and Crobat is the proper strength for a starter. Also, if I had to choose a Nidoran, I'm not sure how I would choose.
Psychic Type
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Next is Psychic. Here are the options for Psychic in National Pokedex order.
  • Abra
  • Mime Jr. (with Galarian evolutions)
  • Ralts
  • Beldum
  • Gothita
  • Solosis
  • Cosmog
  • Hatenna
For starters, let's get rid of Cosmog because not only is it a Legendary Pokemon, but it's completely useless until level 53. Ralts is also out because both it and Kirlia are super weak, and I would also like to disqualify Gothita, Solosis, and Hatenna because all three evolve in the early 30s then early 40s, and they're not that strong by the end. Beldum and Abra only know a single move by level up, Kadabra evolves by trade, and Metagross is a Pseudo and thus super powerful.

Weirdly enough, that leaves Mime Jr. as the Psychic starter (assuming the Galarian evolutions, otherwise it's Abra because it evolves at level 16). Mime Jr. levels up while knowing Mimic. It learns it at level 32 in Gen VIII, and level 15 in Gens VI and VII, effectively making it a teen evolution. Then, Galarian Mr. Mime evolves at level 42, which is a bit late, but it's just as good, if not better than Gothitelle, Reuniclus, and Hatterene. Mime Jr. (310) is within the base form BST range, and while Galarian Mr. Mime (460) is above it, Mr. Rime (520) is the closest of the final form Psychic types to the target range. It's not perfect, but Mime Jr. in Galar is the Psychic starter.
Rock Type
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Next is Rock, and there are so many options. Here are the options for Rock in National Pokedex order.
  • Geodude
  • Alolan Geodude
  • Rhyhorn
  • Larvitar
  • Aron
  • Roggenrola
  • Rolycoly
  • Nacli
For the sake of simplicity, I will only look at Rolycoly and Nacli, since both evolve via level up all the way through and have reasonable evolution levels. Both base forms are underpowered compared to regular starters (Rolycoly is worse), but Carkol (410) fits within the middle stage BST range while Naclstack (355) lags behind, and Coalossal (510) is closer to the final stage BST range than Garganacl (500) is. Rolycoly also has better evolution levels, evolving at 18 then 34, while Nacli doesn't evolve until 24 then 38. Therefore, Rolycoly is the Rock starter.
Steel Type
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Next is Steel, and it is so bad. Here are the options for Steel in National Pokedex order.
  • Magnemite
  • Aron
  • Beldum
  • Klink
  • Pawniard
  • Honedge
  • Tinkatink
None of these options have good evolution levels. I've already eliminated Pawniard in the Dark type section for its egregious evolution level of 52, and most of the others are better, but not good. Magnemite, Aron, Klink, and Honedge don't have their first evolution until the 30s, and then their second evolution is either in the 40s or uses a Stone. This leaves Beldum and Tinkatink, and although Tinkatink has a better second evolution level of 38, Beldum has overall better stats and a better first evolution level of 20, thus it is my pick for the Steel starter. For the same reason I chose Bagon as the Dragon starter, I feel like you should be rewarded with a stronger final form.
Water Type
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Last but not least is Water. Here are the non-starter options for Water in National Pokedex order.
  • Poliwag
  • Horsea
  • Lotad
  • Spheal
  • Tympole
I would like to eliminate Horsea and Spheal because both evolve late, and Horsea has a trade evolution. Lotad is also out because it's consistently underpowered. This leaves only Poliwag and Tympole. I'll go with Tympole as the Water starter because unlike Poliwag, Tympole evolves via level up all the way through.
So those are my picks for what I believe a starter would be for every type. What would your options be given my criteria? Let me know in the comments below.
Finding the ideal starters for each type was quite some work, especially for some types like Ground, Ice, and Steel.
These are pretty well-thought out criteria, and the explanations of how you narrowed down the options are followable. Pseudo-legends as starters feel odd and Steel is probably the one point where I would have diverged based on the criteria you outlined (I would have given it to Tinkatink). On the other hand, axing Axew was the right call for Dragon, even with it only leaving Pseudo-legend options. That level requirement to get to Fraxure is way too high for it to work.

I've long thought Zubat could work well as a Poison-type starter based on vibes alone. It's nice to see a process with actual defined criteria support that!
These are pretty well-thought out criteria, and the explanations of how you narrowed down the options are followable. Pseudo-legends as starters feel odd and Steel is probably the one point where I would have diverged based on the criteria you outlined (I would have given it to Tinkatink). On the other hand, axing Axew was the right call for Dragon, even with it only leaving Pseudo-legend options. That level requirement to get to Fraxure is way too high for it to work.

I've long thought Zubat could work well as a Poison-type starter based on vibes alone. It's nice to see a process with actual defined criteria support that!
I chose Bagon and Beldum as the Dragon and Steel starters respectively because I had a dilemma for both types: do I choose evolution levels that are closer to the target, or do I choose base stat totals that are closer to the base stat total? Then I needed to consider not just what's closer to the target, but also what would be more fair to use in a playthrough.

Tinkatink would be my alternate choice for either Fairy or Steel if no other option is available. As for Axew, it would be my pick for Dragon if it had better evolution levels. I would personally lower Axew's evolution levels to 16 then 30.

I agree that Zubat feels and looks the most like a Poison starter based on vibes alone.