Rest in peace Rachael Lillis…


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Rachael Lillis, well known voice actress (especially for Pokémon where she voiced Misty, Jessie, Jigglypuff and other characters) has passed away from breast cancer on the evening of August 10, 2024. I've just heard about the news just now and it's incredibly heartbreaking. I mostly know her as the voice for Jigglypuff because of the Super Smash Bros. games but she's done much more than that.

Below is a message from Veronica Taylor (first VA for Ash Ketchum in the Pokémon anime) regarding Rachael's death and her achievements.

Rest in peace Rachael Lillis. Your works will never be forgotten.
Misty and Jigglypuff were some of my favorite characters, and Rachel Lilis also did a good voice for Brock's Vulpix, May's Torchic, Beautifly, and Skitty, Tracey's Venonat, and plenty of other characters from 4kids, including Danny from Sonic X, Faragonda from Winx Club, and Natalie from Ape Escape 2. I can't believe she succumbed to this, but cancer is quite fatal, and I'm very sorry for her loss.
You know, the fact she was such an amazing voice actress and just died makes me really want to watch the stuff she voiced as a memorial to her.