Feathers McGraw
"Good Grief it's you!"
- Pronouns
- He/Him |Boo1268
Hello Everyone how ya doing today? Good? That's great becuase Supercell creators of clash of clans Boom Beach and most importantly Clash Royal have announced there new evolution cards and to those of you who aren't Clash players or fans Evolution Cards Are cards that gain power thanks to Mystical shards you collect in game these shards evolve some base game cards into more powerful versions of them this week super cell announced The Evolved Pecka and Mega Knight and while no information regarding the Mega Knight Evo is known at this time The Evo Pecka is here and it's ability is a Doozy when it defeats a enemy it regains health and is slightly Beefier than its base game version other than that it seems to be almost the exact same as a normal pecka so I want to know if you are a clash fan what's your opinion on These Evolutions and if your not then what do you think about the Evo Peckas ability's and skills can't wait to see your responses.
Edit: New Info Everyone! It seems like the Mega Knights New Evo ability along side its slam attack is a new one two punch attack that launches foes up in the air essentially stunning them and this attack does splash damage alongside the knock back
Edit: New Info Everyone! It seems like the Mega Knights New Evo ability along side its slam attack is a new one two punch attack that launches foes up in the air essentially stunning them and this attack does splash damage alongside the knock back
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