Post tier lists you've made here!


Nooooo I'm a marketable plushie
Didn't see one exactly like this, but you can put this into storage if there is, mods.

Just do as the title says. If you made a tier list of something and want to post it, post it here! Put it into spoilers though, so we don't make this page TOO long!

Here's one I made on Pizza Tower enemies just now:
Screenshot 2024-09-25 11.24.30 PM.png
Here's one I made about DCSHG characters just now


Text version:
Holy moly you're literally the greatest character to ever exist
: Zatanna Zatara
S Tier: Giovanni Zatara, Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), Bumblebee (Karen Beecher), Supergirl (Kara Danvers / Kara Zor-El), Ember
A Tier: Green Lantern (Jess Cruz), Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel), Poison Ivy (Pam Isley), The Flash (Barry Allen), Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro), The Cavalier (Mortimer Drake), Casey Krinsky, Ra'as Al Ghul, General Zod
B Tier: Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris), Aqualad (Garth Bernstein), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Commissioner James Gordon, Antiope, Livewire (Leslie Willis), Catwoman (Selina Kyle), Steve Trevor, Dexter the Cat (aka Dex-Starr), Batman (Bruce Wayne), Queen Hippolyta, Starfire (Koriand'r, or Kory Anders), Raven (Rachel Roth), Ravager (Rose Wilson), Thaal Sinestro (aka Thaal Sinclair), Deathstroke (Slade Wilson), The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot), Ursa, Non, Fuseli
C Tier: Alfred Pennyworth, Robin (Dick Grayson), Beast Boy (Garfield Logan), Cyborg (Victor Stone), Cheetah (Barbi Minerva), Giganta (Doris Zeul), Bizzaro Supergirl, Hawkman (Carter Hall), Jimmy Olsen, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Hawkgirl (Shiera Sanders), Headmaster McDougal, Silver Banshee (Siobhan McDougal), Ace of Spades, Julia Kapatelis
D Tier: Mr. Chapin, Superman (Clark Kent / Kal-El), Ace the Bat-Hound, Krypto the Superdog, Hath-Set, Kilowog, Shane O'Shaughnessy, Steve the Griffin
F Tier: Jeremiah Danvers, Eliza Danvers
Don't care/remember: Empty
Haven't watched Season 2: I don't recognise these three characters because I haven't seen S2, but I'm guessing the first one is Bane.
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I made a bunch of tier lists! However, I'll only show off a few here.

And of course, my Mario Awards tier list for best supporting character!
Hey guys. I made a lot of Tier lists over the past week. I'm only going to post the ones I'm most passionate about right now.

MLP:FiM Season 1.
MLP FiM Season 1 Tierlist.png

S: Sonic Rainboom, Party Of One, Winter Wrap-Up, Boast Busters, Dragonshy.
A: Call of the Cutie, Friendship is Magic parts 1 and 2, Griffon the Brush Off, Suited For Success, Stare Master, The Best Night Ever.
B: Applebuck Season, Look Before You Sleep, Bridle Gossip, Fall-Weather Friends, Over A Barrel, A Bird in the Hoof, Cutie Mark Chronicles, Owl's Well That Ends Well.
C: The Show Stoppers, The Ticket Master.
D: Green Isn't Your Color, A Dog and Pony Show, Feeling Pinkie Keen, Swarm of the Century.

MLP:FiM Season 2.
MLP FiM Season 2 Tierlist.png

S: Luna Eclipsed, Hurricane Fluttershy, Mmmystery on the Friendship Express, Sweet and Elite.
A: A Canterlot Wedding, Read It and Weep, May the Best Pet Win, The Return Of Harmony, Family Appreciation Day, Sisterhooves Social, The Cutie Pox.
B: Lesson Zero, Hearth's Warming Eve, The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, A Friend in Deed, Dragon Quest, Ponyville Confidential.
C: It's About Time, Hearts and Hooves Day, Secret of My Excess, Baby Cakes.
D: The Last Round-Up, Putting Your Hoof Down, The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

MLP:FiM Season 3.
MLP FiM Season 3 Tierlist.png

S: Sleepless in Ponyville, Wonderbolt Academy, Magic Duel.
A: Too Many Pinkie Pies, The Crystal Empire, Apple Family Reunion.
B: Magical Mystery Cure.
C: Keep Calm and Flutter On, Games Ponies Play.
D: One Bad Apple, Just For Sidekicks, Spike At Your Service.

MLP:FiM Season 8.
MLP FiM Season 8 Tierlist.png

S: Sounds Of Silence, What Lies Beneath, The Break-Up Breakdown, Surf and/or Turf.
A: Hearth's Warming Club, Road to Friendship, School Raze parts 1 and 2.
B: School Daze parts 1 and 2, Marks For Effort.
C: The Mean 6, Molt Down, Horse Play, The Maud Couple, Grannies Gone Wild, Friendship University, A Rockhoof and a Hard Place.
D: The Washouts, The Parent Map, Fake It Til You Make It, Father Knows Beast, Yakity Sax, The End In Friend, A Matter Of Principals, Non-Complete Clause.

MLP:FiM Season 9.
MLP FiM Season 9 Tierlist.png

S: The Last Laugh, Common Ground, The Last Crusade, She Talks To Angel, Growing Up Is Hard To Do, The Big Mac Question, The Ending of the End part 2, The Last Problem.
A: She's All Yak, The Beginning of the End parts 1 and 2, The Ending of the End part 1.
B: Frenemies, Uprooted, Sparkle's Seven, The Summer Sun Setback.
C: 2, 4, 6, Greaaat, The Point Of No Return, Sweet and Smoky, Between Dark and Dawn.
D: Daring Doubt, A Trivial Pursuit, Student Counsel, A Horse Shoe-In, Going to Seed, Dragon Dropped.

PPG Characters.
PPG Character Tierlist.png

Irreplaceable: Bubbles, Buttercup, Blossom, Mojo Jojo, Him.
Loveable: Professor Utonium, Miss Bellum, The Mayor of Townsville.
Enjoyable: Robin Schneider, Bullet, Miss Keane, Ace, Bunnie, The Boogie Man, Fuzzy Lumpkins.
You're Fine: Mitch Mitchelson, Sedusa, Mascara, Femme Fatale, Princess Morbucks, Harry Pitt, Elmer Sglue, Abracadaver, The Western Thieves, The Sasquatch, The Power-Punk Girls, The Run-Of-The-Mill Girls, The Cat, Moko Ono, Arturo, Big Billy, Snake, Grubber, Major Glory, The Smith Family, Rainbow the Clown, Mr. Mime, The Talking Dog, Newscaster, The Gnome, The Headsucker, The Silent Movie Villain.
Unlikeable: The Mayor of Citiesville, Brick, Butch, Boomer, The Amoeba Boys, Mopey Pofo, The Power-Bluffs, ???, Lenny Baxter, The Director, Dick Hardly.

PPG Season 1.
PPG Season 1 Tierlist.png

Masterpiece: Telephonies, Mr. Mojo's Rising, Octi-Evil, Boogie Frights, Bubblevicious.
Perfect: Monkey See, Doggy Do, Buttercrush, Ice Sore.
Excellent: Fuzzy Logic, Mommy Fearest, Paste Makes Waste, Just Another Manic Mojo, Mime For A Change.
Great: Insect Inside, Impeach Fuzz.
Good: Abracadaver.
Decent: Cat Man Do, The Rowdyruff Boys, Uh-Oh Dynamo.
Ok: Powerpuff Bluff, The Bare Facts.
Meh: Geshundfight.
Bad: Major Competition, Tough Love.
Worst: empty

PPG Season 2.
PPG Season 2 Tierlist.png

Masterpiece: The Powerpuff Girls' Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever, Slumbering With The Enemy, Imaginary Fiend, Los Dos Mojos.
Perfect: Beat Your Greens, Birthday Bash, Twisted Sister, Something's A Ms.
Excellent: Stuck Up and Away, Mo Job, Just Desserts, Mo Jonesin'.
Great: Cover Up, Supper Villain.
Good: Collect-Her.
Decent: Slave The Day.
Ok: Schoolhouse Rocked, Cootie Gras, You Snooze, You Lose.
Meh: Down 'n' Dirty, Pet Feud.
Bad: Daylight Savings, Too Pooped To Puff, Dream Scheme.
Worst: Speed Demon, A Very Special Blossom.

PPG Season 3.
PPG Season 3 Tierlist.png

: Meet The Beat-Alls, Criss Cross Crisis, Power Lunch.
Perfect: Child Fearing.
Excellent: Getting Twiggy With It.
Great: Bought and Scold, Power Prof.
Good: Super Zeroes.
Decent: Jewel Of The Aisle, Catastrophe, The Headsucker's Moxy.
Ok: Bubblevision, Helter Shelter, Three Girls and A Monster, Monkey See, Doggy Two.
Meh: The Mane Event, Ploys R Us.
Bad: Cop Out, Candy is Dandy, Hot Air Buffoon, Equal Fights.
Worst: Moral Decay, Fallen Arches, Town and Out.

PPG Season 4.
PPG Season 4 Tierlist.png

Masterpiece: Power-Noia, Super Friends, Stray Bullet, Nano Of The North.
Perfect: Forced Kin.
Excellent: empty
Great: Not So Awesome Blossom.
Good: Get Back Jojo.
Decent: Members Only, All Chalked Up.
Ok: empty
Meh: Keen on Keane, Him Diddle Riddle.
Bad: empty
Worst: Knock It Off, Film Flam.

PPG Season 5.
PPG Season 5 Tierlist.png

Masterpiece: empty
Perfect: empty
Excellent: Silent Treatment.
Great: Boy Toys, Bubble Boy.
Good: The Boys Are Back In Town.
Decent: City of Clipsville, Substitute Creature, Shotgun Wedding.
Ok: Bang For Your Buck, See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey, A Documentary, Seed No Evil, Divide and Conquer.
Meh: Shut The Pup Up, Monstra-City, Burglar Alarmed.
Bad: Lying Around The House.
Worst: Sweet 'N Sour, Pee Pee G's, Save Mojo, Girls Gone Mild, Toast of the Town, Curses.

PPG Season 6.
PPG Season 6 Tierlist.png

Masterpiece: Makes Zen to Me, City of Nutsville.
Perfect: Aspirations, Mizzen in Action.
Excellent: empty
Great: A Made Up Story.
Good: Oops, I Did It Again, West in Pieces.
Decent: Custody Battle, Crazy Mixed-Up Puffs, Octi-Gone.
Ok: Live and Let Dynamo, Coupe D'etat, Roughing It Up.
Meh: That's Not My Baby, Mo' Linguish, Say Uncle, Prime Mates, What's The Big Idea, I See a Funny Cartoon in Your Future.
Bad: Little Miss Interprets, Night Mayor, Reeking Havoc, City of Frownsville.
Worst: Nuthin' Special, Sun Scream, Neighbor Hood, Simian Says.

Dexter's Lab Characters
Dexter's Lab Character Tierlist.png

Irreplaceable: Monkey, Mandark, Dexter, Dee Dee.
Loveable: Agent Honeydew, Action Hank, Lalavava, Dexter's Mom, Dexter's Dad, Koosy.
Enjoyable: Commander Chief, Douglas Mordecai, Aye Aye Eyes Girl, Krunk, Major Glory, Valhallen, Lee Lee, Mee Mee.
Tolerable: She-Thing, Comrade Red, Dexter's Grandpa, Computress, Puppet Pal Clem, Puppet Pal Mitch, Lisa.
Unlikeable: Western Guy, Lady, Ice Cream Man, Oceanbird, Windbear, Candie.

Dexter's Lab Season 1.
Dexter's Lab Season 1 Tierlist.png

S: Star Spangled Sidekicks, Mandarker, Dexter's Rival, Spacecase, Game Over, Rasslor, Simion, Huntor, Way of the Dee Dee, Monstory, Jurassic Pooch, The Big Cheese.
A: Changes, The Big Sister, Double Trouble, DeeDeemensional, Magmanus, Orgon Grindor, Dexter Dodgeball, Dee Dee's Room, Tribe Called Girl.
B: Maternal Combat, Dexter's Assistant, Dollhouse Drama, Krunk's Date, Can't Nap, Ratman, Valhallen's Room.
C: Dream Machine, Inflata-Dee Dee, Old Man Dexter, Dimwit Dexter, TV Super Pals, Say Uncle Sam, Bee Where?
D: Babysitter Blues, Dexter's Debt.
E: Barbequor.

Dexter's Lab Season 2.
Dexter's Lab Season 2 Tierlist.png

S: Dee Dee Locks and the Ness Monster, D and DD, Golden Diskette, Last But Not Beast, Sun, Surf, and Science, Lab of the Lost, Mock 5, Aye Aye Eyes, Just an Old-Fashioned Lab Song, Decode of Honor, Beard to be Feared, Quakor the Fowl, Dyno-Might, Dee Dee's Rival, Ocean Commotion, Dee Dee's Tail, Koosalagoopagoop, Rushmore Rumble, Filet Of Soul, The Bus Boy, A Boy and His Bug, Got Your Goat, My Favorite Martian, Gooey Aliens That Control Your Mind, Misplaced in Space, Sassy Come Home, Paper Route Bout, Germ Warfare, The Muffin King, Sister's Got A Brand New Bag.
A: Ego Trip, Labretto, Let's Save The World You Jerk!, World's Greatest Mom, Fantastic Boyage, Ultra-Jerk 2000, The Laughing, Book-Em, Ant Pants, Unfortunate Cookie, Mom and Jerry, Framed, Photo Finish, Snowdown, You Vegetabeleive It!, Trick or Tree House, Accent You Hate, Peltra.
B: The Koos Is Loose, Old Flame, Hunger Strikes, Hamhocks and Armlocks, Shoo, Shoe Gnomes, Game Show, Road Rash, Better Off Wet, No Power Trip, Now That's A Stretch, Dexter is Dirty, Repairanoid, Project Dee Dee, Backwards, The Old Switcharooms, That's Using Your Head, Things That Go Bonk in the Night, Don't Be a Baby.
C: Star Check Unconventional, That Crazy Robot, Techno Turtle, Catch of the Day, Sports A Poppin', Dim, Surprise!, Big Bots, Down In The Dumps, Nuclear Confusion, Backfire, Morning Stretch, Picture Day, Topped Off, Sister Mom, Average Joe, Pslyghtly Psycho, Quiet Riot, Dexter's Lab: A Story, Coupon for Craziness, Game For A Game, Don't Be a Hero, The Parrot Trap, Labels, Chubby Cheese, 911, Blackfoot and Slim.
D: Dexter and Computress get Mandark, Critical Gas, Dee Dee Be Deep, Ol' McDexter, A Hard Day's Day, Ice Cream Scream, Pain In The Mouth.
E: The Continuum of Cartoon Fools, Dad is Disturbed, Girl Squad, Dexter Detention, Figure Not Included, Ewww, That's Growth, Dee Dee and the Man, Dexter VS. Santa's Claws, Rude Removal, Trapped With A Vengeance.

Dexter's Lab Season 3.
Dexter's Lab Season 3 Tierlist.png

S: Robo Dexo 3000, A Boy Named Sue, Go Dexter Family Go!, Dos Boot, If Memory Serves, Smells Like Victory.
A: Jeepers Creepers, Where is Peepers, Glove At First Sight, Opposites Attract, The Mock Side of the Moon, That Magic Moment, A Dee Dee Cartoon.
B: Lab on the Run, Poppa Wheely, Bar Exam, A Failed Lab Experiment, A Quakor Cartoon, The Grand Daddy Of All Inventions.
C: Scare Tactics, Oh, Brother, Momdark, Tele Trauma, A Mom Cartoon, Streaky Clean, Mind Over Chatter, Sole Brother, Would You Like That in the Can, Comic Relief, A Silent Cartoon.
D: Another Dad Cartoon, A Mom and Dad Cartoon, A Dad Cartoon, A Mandark Cartoon.
E: A Third Dad Cartoon, My Dad VS. Your Dad, Copping an Aptitude.

Dexter's Lab Season 4.

S: Dexter's Wacky Races, The Blonde Leading The Blonde.
A: Remember Me?, 2 Geniuses 2 Gether 4 Ever, Bygone Errors.
B: Dexter the Barbarian, They Got Chops, School Girl Crushed, Poetic Injustice, Faux Chapeau, Sis-Tem Error, The Lab Of Tomorrow, Monstrosi-Dee Dee, Dexter's Little Dilemma, Used Ink, Comic Stripper, Tee Party.
C: Chicken Scratch, Mountain Mandark, Stuffed Animal House, Head Band, Tuber Time, Over-Labbing, The Scrying Game, Chess Mom, Garage Sale, Babe Sitter.
D: Height Unseen, Sore Eyes, Dad Man Walking, Comedy of Feathers, Folly Calls.
E: D-Squared, Beau-Tie, Voice Over, Bad Cable Manners, Father Knows Least, Dexter's Library.

IZ Characters
Invader Zim Character Tierlist.png

Irreplaceable: GIR, Zim, Dib.
Loveable: Gaz, Professor Membrane, Tak, MiMi.
Enjoyable: Tallest Red, Tallest Purple, Yuli, Sizz-Lorr, Computer, Robo-Parents, Shnooky, Countess von Verminstrasser, Ms. Bitters, Nightmare Bitters, Poop Dawg, ???, Spleenk.
Tolerable: Pee Pee, Shadow Hog, Hobo 678, Agent Darkbootie, Lord Nar, Planet Jackers, Bill, Mysterious Mysteries Anchor, ???, Slab Rankle, Keef, Willy, Gretchen, Iggins, Melvin, Larb, Skoodge, Mini Moose, Shloonktapooxis.
Unlikeable: Vortian Prisoner Number 777, Bloaty, Chickenfoot.

IZ Episodes.
Invader Zim episode Tierlist.png

S: Backseat Drivers From Beyond The Stars, Tak, The Hideous New Girl, Battle Of The Planets, Megadoomer, The Frycook That Came From All That Space, FBI Warming of Doom, Planet Jackers, Attack of the Saucer Morons, The Sad, Sad Tale of Chickenfoot, Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom, Game Slave 2, Hamstergeddon, The Wettening, Vindicated!, Door To Door.
A: Enter The Florpus, Lice, The Voting of the Doomed, Hobo 13, The Most Horrible X-Mas Ever, Dibship Rising, Future Dib, Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy, Battle Dib, Mortos Del Soulstealer, The Nightmare Begins, Bestest Friend, Walk Of Doom, GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff, NanoZim, Rise of the Zitboy.
B: Dib's Wonderful Life Of Doom, Walk For Your Lives, The Girl Who Cried Gnome, A Room With A Moose, Mysterious Mysteries, Germs, Parent Teacher Night, Dark Harvest, Zim Eats Waffles, Bloaty's Pizza Hog, Plague Of Babies, The original pilot.
C: Invasion Of The Idiot Dog Brain, Abducted, Career Day.
D: Gaz, Taster Of Pork, Bolognius Maximus.
F: empty
Never Watched: empty

B&M Characters.
Billy and Mandy Character Tierlist.png

Irreplaceable: Jeff, Nergal Jr., Grim.
Loveable: Billy, Eris, Mandy, Irwin, Hoss Delgado, Jack-O-Lantern, Velma Green.
Enjoyable: Dracula, Granny Grim. Morg, Scythe 2.0, King Beardbottom, Reagen, Animated Maxwell Atoms, Nergal, Santa Claus, Nancy Claus, Daisy, Winston, Milkshakes, Harold, Tanya, Pandora, Mandroid, Billi-Bot, Dean Toadblatt, Thronambular, Lord Byron, Blue Bird Creature, Evil Meteor, Judge Roy Spleen, Juror, Taking Tree, Cthulhu, Squidhat.
Tolerable: Baron Von Ghoulish, Creeper, Gladys, Nigel Planter, Pud'n, Geppetto, Pinocchio, Captain Deadwood, Lord Pain, Lord Moldybutt, Grim's Dad, Miriam, Claire, Phillip, Ms. Butterbean, Principal Good Vibes, Dick, Cowboy, Senior Citizen, Piff, Aunt Sis, Basil, Uncle Chokey, Billy's Chicken, Koala, Sargent, Fred Fredburger, Cerberus, Pud'n's Bunny, Happy Huggy Stuffy Bear, Little Delicious, Saliva, Mr. Snuggles, Pink Worm Creature, Poppin, Thud, Green Dragon Creature, Harvey, Troubled Pony, Schlubette, Lil' Porkchop, Burger Salesman, Clown Bomb, Chocolate Sailor, Voodoo Doll, Gumball Machine, Toast, Pylon.
Unlikeable: Mindy, Sperg, General Skarr, Boogey, Pinface, Wiggy Jiggy Jed, Hurter Monkey, Feral Monkey, Hazmat Guy, The Stenographer, Green Worm Creature, Tooten Pooten, Exercise Dude, Bobby, Firebird, Duck, Bailiff, Mary-Frances, Secret Snake Club, ???.

B&M episodes.
Billy and Mandy episode Tierlist.png

S: Scythe 2.0, Ecto Cooler, Billy Idiot, Whatever Happened to Billy Whatshisname?, A Kick In The Asgard, Here Thar Be Dwarves!, Billy and Mandy VS. The Martians, Five O' Clock Shadows, Wrath of the Spider Queen, Jeffy's Web, Substitute Teacher, Wishbones, Complete and Utter Chaos, Giant Billy and Mandy All Out Attack, Go-Kart 3000, Mandy The Merciless, Grim Adventures of the KND, Keeper of the Reaper, Spider's Little Daddy, The Crawling Niceness, The Secret Snake Club, Guess What's Coming To Dinner?, Dracula Must Die!, Fear and Loathing in Endsville, Home of the Ancients, Prank Call of Cthulhu, Puddle Jumping, Nergal's Pizza, Druid, Where's My Car, Reap Walking, The Nerve, The Schlubs, Pandora's Lunch Box, One Crazy Summoner, Nigel Planter and the Chamber Pot of Secrets, Toadblatt's School of Sorcery, Nursey Crimes, Short Tall Tales, Aren't You Chupacabra to See Me?, Tricycle Of Terror, Toys Will Be Toys, Hill-Billy, The Good, The Bad, and The Toothless, Irwin Gets a Clue, Brown Evil parts 1 and 2, It's Hokey Mon, Beasts and Barbarians, Hoss Delgado, Spectral Exterminator, Battle of the Bands.
A: Big Boogey Adventure, Spidermandy, The Loser From The Earth's Core, Runaway Pants, Son of Nergal, To Eris Human, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told Ever, Fiend is Like Friend Without the R, Billy and Mandy Save Christmas, My Fair Mandy, Which Came First?, Attack Of The Clowns, Chicken Ball Z, House of Pain, Bully Boogie, Who Killed Who?, The House of No Tomorrow, Circus of Fear, The Taking Tree, Detention X, Sister Grim, Meet The Reaper, Terror of the Black Knight, Crushed, My Peeps, Opposite Day, A Grim Surprise, Little Rock Of Horrors, No Body Loves Grim, Grim VS. Mom, Skarred For Life, Billy Ocean, Big Trouble in Billy's Basement, Billy and Mandy Begins.
B: Underfist: Halloween Bash, Hey, Water You Doing?, A Grim Day, Herbicidal Maniac, Happy Huggy Stuffy Bears, Wild Parts, Billy and Mandy Moon the Moon, Billy and Mandy's Jacked-Up Halloween, Yeti or Not, Here I Come, Hurter Monkey, Chocolate Sailor, Lil' Porkchop, Hog Wild, Dumb Dumbs and Dragons, Grim For A Day, Recipe For Disaster, Dad Day Afternoon, The Really Odd Couple, Mandy Bites Dog, Educating Grim, That's My Mummy, Tween Wolf, Dream Mutt, Billy and the Bully, Mommy Fiercest, Tickle Me Mandy, Duck!, The Firebird Sweet, Get Out of My Head!, A Dumb Wish, Beware of the Undertoad, The Crass Unicorn.
C: Company Halt, Chaos Theory, Mortal Dilemma, Grim In Love, Love is Evol Spelled Backwards, The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name, Bad News Ghouls, The Wrongest Yard, Zip Your Fly!, Tastes Like Chicken, He's Not Dead, He's My Mascot, The Secret Decoder Ring, Dream a Little Dream, Night of the Living Grim, Look Alive!, Skeletons in the Water Closet, Grim or Gregory?, Nigel Planter and the Order of the Peanuts, Modern Primitives, Goodbling and the Hip-Hop-Opotumus, Major Cheese, Bearded Billy, The Bubble With Billy, The Show That Dare Not Speak Its Name, Dumb Luck, Super Zero, Billy's Growth Spurt, Just The Two Of Pus, The Secret Snake Club VS. PE.
D: Everything Breaks, Be A-Fred, Be Very A-Fred, The Halls Of Time, The Grim Show, A Grim Prophecy, The Incredible Shrinking Mandy, Scythe For Sale, Sickly Sweet, Anger Mismanagement, Scary Poppins, Heartburn, King Tooten Pooten, The Problem With Billy, El Dia De Los Muertos Estupidos, Something Stupid This Way Comes, Billy Gets an A, Waking Nightmare, Test of Time, Smarten Up, Creating Chaos.
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I'm curious on how you feel about Evil Con Carne since you placed Company Halt in C tier, that episode is A tier for me
I'm curious on how you feel about Evil Con Carne since you placed Company Halt in C tier, that episode is A tier for me
From the first 3 episodes I saw, I quite liked it. Of Course, I still have the rest of the show to go through, but you can read my thoughts so far in this thread.

I thought Company Halt was fun, but if they were trying to have a finale for ECC with that episode, I didn't think they did a very good job at it. It has a lot of pacing issues, and I think Billy, Mandy, and Grim get in the way of the ECC characters too often.
Hey guys. Around the same time I drew that Halloween drawing, I finished Evil Con Carne. Here's the two tierlists I made for it!

Evil Con Carne episodes.
my-image (1).png

S: The Mother of All Evils, Ultimate Evil, Hector, King of the Britons, Son of Evil, Cod VS. Hector, Bring Me The Face of Hector Con Carne, The Pie Who Loved Me.
A: League of Destruction, Go Spork!, Search and Estroy, The Right to Bear Arms, The Smell of Vengeance parts 1 and 2, No No Nanook, Gutless!, The Time Hole Incident, Everyone Loves Uncle Bob, Evil on Trial, The HCCBDD, Evil Goes Wild, Jealousy, Jealousy Do.
B: Christmas Con Carne, Day of the Dreadbots, Evil Con Carne (episode), Boskov's Day Out, Fool's Paradise, Devolver parts 1 and 2, Max Courage!, The Trouble With Skarrina.
C: Emotional Skarr, Tiptoe Through The Tulips parts 1 and 2.
D: Teenage Idol, Gridlocked and Loaded.

Evil Con Carne characters

Irreplaceable: Major Dr. Ghastly, Cod Commando.
Loveable: General Skarr, Hector Con Carne, Cataclysma, Kablamity Jane, Destructicus Con Carne, Professor Death Ray Eyes, Abraham Lincoln, Boskov, Estroy.
Enjoyable: Hector's Mom, Rupert the Green Nosed Reindeer, Snowman, Ensign Slaughter, Private Simmons, Lady of the Lake, Uncle Bob, Warren, Skarrbot, Dreadbot, Santa Claus, Blue Gorilla Creatures, Rascal, Ghastly's Goat, Ghastly's Dolphins, Bears.
Tolerable: Green Slime Monster, Max Courage, Stomach, Hector's Minions, Tony, two more of Hector's Minions, Evil Snowman, Robot, Mountie, Queen of England, Pirate, Zoo-keeper, Evil Penguin, Samurai Cat, Goblin, Troop Terror, Enrique Jr., Whiskers, Judge, Dr. Courage, Green Dinosaur Monster, Green Bug Monster, Ghastly's Shark, Alien Creatures, Brown Gorilla, Beach Shark, Nurse Buffy, Crying Lady, Mexican Guy, Duke of England, Guy in Pink Shirt, White Muscular Guy, Vladimir.
Unlikeable: Rick Courage, Guy wearing a black vest, Egyptian Idol.