Bowser Memory ML name sourcing - does anyone have the BIS Prima Guide?

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definitely not radioactive
Wiki Administrator
Core 'Shroom Staff
Hey guys, I'm new to the boards (though I am an active wiki editor). Right now, I'm trying to figure out if the name "Bowser Memory ML", as the boss is currently known as on the wiki, has ever been used officially or not. It doesn't seem to be in the game itself, but there is the chance it is used in the Bowser's Inside Story Prima guide. However, this Prima guide isn't archived on the Internet Archive, and I'd rather not have to buy it just to check for a single name that may not even be used there. So, does anyone already own a copy, and if you do, can you let me know whether the boss is referred to as "Bowser Memory ML" or something like "Bowser Memory M and Bowser Memory L", alongside a page number? Thanks!
Consistently referred to separately, it looks like.

Page numbers are bottom of 178 and most of 178, as well as page 107 (first image).

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