TV shows you downright dislike


Koopa Troopa
Name some TV shows you downright do not like. Here are 20 examples of mine:


P.S.: My favorite shows include MLP: FiM, the three Super Mario cartoons, All That, and Pokemon (just the first 2 seasons), but definitely not any of the 20 shown above. Also, "Tadashi Satoru" is the name I use on DeviantArt (where I'm active).
@Iron Checkpoint Crate I agree. I like all the Looney Tunes/Tiny Toons stuff, including the reboot they just started doing of the latter.

@FirePuppy LOL-I don't know if this is a popular or unpopular opinion based on the fact this show is loved and since it is so controversial maybe even hated at the same time-but I HATE South Park. All that's so foul. And the way the characters look is stupid too with the animation-makes it look like they are made of construction paper imo. I swear I hate the characters on South Park too; they're so obnoxious. Especially Kyle, Kenny, Eric and whatever the fourth kid is. Yeah, I hate South Park with a burning passion LOL. Like, if anyone here likes South Park, hey, I'm fine with that; I just personally hate it. Also like you I like Friendship Is Magic, and even the previous MLP generations too as well as G5, although I admit G5 will never be anywhere near as good as FIM/G4 was. But yeah. South Park sucks in my opinion. I honestly can't wait for it to be cancelled. It's toxic waste to me. And, like, the kids that are the main characters-they're so offensive to me with how they talk that I find them extremely annoying. Ok. I'm done now. That is my unvarnished opinion on South Park LOL. Also subjectively I think they take the humor on there way too far to the point that the way they do it is offensive.
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And the way the characters look is stupid too with the animation-makes it look like they are made of construction paper imo.
look i hate south park too (because it's a bigoted and trash program that openly engages in transphobia and other bullshit because the creators are so up their own ass with their 'both sides are equality shit, so let's not care about anything!' lolbertarian bullshit and i don't understand why it gets a pass when if any other show (that already wasn't aimed at right-wingers) tried pull that shit, they'd get rightfully criticized) but like...that is the entire point of the animation

the show was meant to be done using stop-motion cutout animation because the two short films the creators made in 1992 and 1995 were done using that style of animation and they even made the first episode of south park almost entirely with cutout construction paper animation (tl;dr: the pilot was entirely done with cutout stop-motion animation but they made the pilot 28 minutes long, not realizing the half hour timeslot was actually about 22 minutes with commercials, so they cut 10 minutes from the pilot and then added another 3 minutes to tie up what was changed because of the 10 minutes that were cut and those 3 minutes were made with computer animation and that is what aired as the first episode) but then they switched to computer animation instead because...i mean it took them three months to produce the pilot episode (hence why they went with computer animation for the three minutes they added after they shortened the pilot, if they had tried to make those scenes with the cutout animation, likely would've taken weeks) and then the next episode they made using computers only took like a month

but yeah that's the whole point of the animation, it's meant to look like construction paper lol
One of the main draws of South Park is it's "relevancy": it lampoons current events and topics, and it's able to be produced quickly in time with those events (usually a week or two after, I could be wrong on this though)

There's a documentary on South Park called 6 Days to Air that shows how quickly they produce an episode, which often gets submitted hours before it's scheduled to broadcast.
One show that I feel a real dislike for is called Three Friends and Jerry, or maybe something similarly named. I think that it's really problematic that the title already indicates that one of the characters (titular Jerry) is already the outcast, which means it's usual for that character to get the most abuse. I don't remember much nor do I care to, but it generally feels very cynical that I can live without it.

Thank you for reading.
This isn't an entire TV show, but I'm going to use this opportunity to state that although the seasons that follow are pretty great, Legend of Korra season 2 is one of the worst seasons of television I've ever seen and its singular redeeming quality is one (1) comic relief kind-of antagonist
Sometimes my parents call me Caillou (my name is Kyle). That can be annoying, depending on my mood, so I guess that show is my answer by default. 😛

Though generally if I dislike a show immediately, I don't stick around long enough to see more of it.

What the hell did Little Bill do to you???

I'm not the OP of course, but the other day on Facebook, this guy made a meme of a picture he drew when he was 10. It was a drawing of someone trying to gun down a helicopter (amidst other madness), and because of how child-like he made the perpetrator look, it looked like a Little Bill/Grand Theft Auto crossover.

To clarify I don't know the person who drew it originally, as it was just from some meme page that appeared on my news-feed.
look i hate south park too (because it's a bigoted and trash program that openly engages in transphobia and other bullshit because the creators are so up their own ass with their 'both sides are equality shit, so let's not care about anything!' lolbertarian bullshit and i don't understand why it gets a pass when if any other show (that already wasn't aimed at right-wingers) tried pull that shit, they'd get rightfully criticized) but like...that is the entire point of the animation
Actually South Park IS heavily criticized by critics and people in general. It's very controversial because it deals with a lot of taboo subject matter and there IS a lot of hate as well as like for it. Like, seriously. I'm NOT making this up. Like, I'd say it's equally hated and equally liked.
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The "My Life" Show
What's that LOL? I've never heard of it. I'm interested in hearing what it's about. No like seriously. I'm curious. Like, is it about a guy who has a life that really sucks or something? Like a sitcom?

Also LOL I looked up "Three Friends and Jerry". I thought it would turn out to be a sitcom or something and it turns out to be a Nickelodeon children's cartoon with what I think looks like really BAD animation. 🤣
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@Nightwicked Bowser That reminds me of how disappointed I was when on American Restoration they focused on a different restoration shop and thus had a different cast. I liked the original cast better. Oh yeah, if you're wondering what American Restoration is, it's a show on the History Channel. Dale who was on that show also appeared a couple of times on Pawn Stars. So yeah, I think original cast is always better.
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What's that LOL? I've never heard of it. I'm interested in hearing what it's about. No like seriously. I'm curious. Like, is it about a guy who has a life that really sucks or something? Like a sitcom?

Also LOL I looked up "Three Friends and Jerry". I thought it would turn out to be a sitcom or something and it turns out to be a Nickelodeon children's cartoon with what I think looks like really BAD animation. 🤣
Yeah it's pretty much what you described it as, except it stars me
One show that I feel a real dislike for is called Three Friends and Jerry, or maybe something similarly named. I think that it's really problematic that the title already indicates that one of the characters (titular Jerry) is already the outcast, which means it's usual for that character to get the most abuse. I don't remember much nor do I care to, but it generally feels very cynical that I can live without it.

Thank you for reading.
Oh, I remember that show from my youth. I never paid it much mind when I was little, but looking back at it, it seems like a kid-friendly version of South Park to me, so that being said, it wasn't a very special show if it can be compared to South Park of all things.
LOL I just thought of a really bad Nick show just about everyone hates-Fanboy and Chum Chum. Oh my God I HATE Fanboy and Chum Chum. Like, one day as I was flipping through the channels I landed on Nickelodeon and watched, like, about 30 seconds of it. It was SO bad....