Peach and Toad's role in future RPGs?


King Bowser
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In more recent games, both Peach and Toad have become more active and shine as heroic players just like Mario bros. However, Mario RPGs are very infamous for not welcoming most of the main cast.

Sure Peach and Toad are long overdue to participate in new RPGs as playable party memebers, but regardless, under the premise they cannot be playable characters, what should their roles be?

Peach and Toad have been appearing in all Mario RPGs so far, so it looks like Nintendo want both of them to be regulars for this line. But it'd be awkward for them to not show any will to fight if they're present and face the same danger with Mario bros. Altho Peach has been playable in SMRPG and Legends of Seven Stars, her performance in some other RPGs are rather passive and inconsistent. As for Toad, he is even treated as a total filler in recent RPGs.

In most RPGs where Bowser isn't the final boss of the stories, he would still always appear and interefere to get a role, and luckily RPGs don't really mind more midbosses except Waluigi. But this role cannot be applied to Peach and Toad since they're positive characters.

Beside kidnapping, Peach and Toad have also been trapped and cursed so they cannot fight. But do you think there are better ways to give them roles and proper reasons to "not fight, despite they can"?