Man in the
- Pronouns
- He/Him
- MarioWiki
- CaptainOdyssey
This might be an interesting topic for discussion. So let's here each other out. The questions below are additional discussion topics if you'd like to answer in more detail.
Do you read the newspaper, watch the news on television, or find it online?
What specific news organizations do you follow?
What reasons do you have for keeping up with the news? Do you do it for entertainment, for intellectual enrichment, or to learn about issues that might effect you?
Would you like to change your habits with regards to the news?
Do you read the newspaper, watch the news on television, or find it online?
What specific news organizations do you follow?
What reasons do you have for keeping up with the news? Do you do it for entertainment, for intellectual enrichment, or to learn about issues that might effect you?
Would you like to change your habits with regards to the news?