What color is Big Bird where you're from?

Nellie Rose Morningstar

Welcome to Castle Morningstar~! Care for a drink~?
I saw a video where it was explained that Big Bird's color is dependent on the country you're watching Sesame Street in. So now I wanna know: What color is YOUR Big Bird? Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange, some other color? And if you know about any other characters who have notable regional differences, tell me! (Mine is USA yellow BTW)

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In my country, he's blue with an orange beak, so the fifth picture. In my country, he's also referred to as Pino.
Oh how I adore international co-productions of Sesame Street... they always do such a nice job of adapting characters, stories, and problems to fit different countries. Some of these co-productions don't have an equivalent to Big Bird at all because of this!

That being said, I grew up with classic yellow Big Bird. I just love his child-like sense of wonder.
I certainly recognize him as the big yellow bird! But I didn't know he came in a colorful array in other countries, until now! I like it!
Great answers so far! (The Brazil one looks kinda cursed but he's apparently super nice)
where is the Orange Big Bird from, I kind of like it?