(Rant) Why the Mega Mushroom, POW Block, and Thunder Cloud Are the Worst Items in the Series Plus Blooper Rant

Greninja The Mario Karter

Greninja the Water/Dark Ninja
He, Him, His
If you've seen me anywhere on the Internet, you'll know that the Mega Mushroom, POW Block, and Thunder Cloud (the items exclusive to Wii) are what I consider to be the worst items in the series. I will talk about why I hate each item so much.
Mega Mushroom
The least bad of the Wii exclusive items, but that's a low bar to clear.

Of the items exclusive to Wii, the Mega Mushroom is the one I hate the least, but I still hate it more than the Blooper and Coin. For starters, it's literally just a worse version of the Star. You don't gain as much speed as when using a Star, and you're still vulnerable to racers with Bullet Bills and Stars. Such a disgrace to the Star. Not to mention you return to normal when struck by Lightning, ending the effect early. Second, unless you're near a group of racers, using it is pretty much useless. Third, if you just so happen to be on the receiving end of it, you will effectively lose the race because getting flattened by a Mega Mushroom driver slows you down to the point of ending up in last place.

POW Block
Almost the worst item in the series.

The POW Block is my arch nemesis, is an absolute menace to society, and is almost the worst item in the series. This less effective Lightning appears above all racers ahead of the user and causes an earthquake. The main reason why this Lightning ripoff is a menace to society is because it appears far too frequently in races. There can be up to five of this menace per race, or even more. Once the POW Block appears above your kart to warn you of your impending doom, that means your doom is inevitable (although you can press up on the D-Pad or shake your Wii Remote to reduce the effect to delay the inevitable), you won't be able to recover, and your race will be over. This may force you to fall off the track, which will definitely cost you the race anyway, but at least you won't be affected by the POW Block. Good thing Mario Kart Wii has a lot of airtime (the only true way to avoid your inevitable doom aside from using invincibility items or staying behind the user), because if it didn't have this much airtime, this item would be the worst Mario Kart item ever.

Thunder Cloud
The worst item ever created, and one of Nintendo's worst ideas ever.

Speaking of the worst Mario Kart item ever, that's exactly what the Thunder Cloud is. This is also one of Nintendo's worst ideas ever. You get a speed boost, but if you don't pass the cloud off to someone else, it's the only item that's designed to harm you. To make matters worse, you can get this in middle positions in a 12 player race (3rd to 7th), so the Thunder Cloud will just add to the pain. If you have the Cloud and no one else is around, you either have to launch yourself out of a cannon or use a Star to get rid of it.


The Mega Mushroom, POW Block, and Thunder Cloud are the worst items Nintendo has ever added to the series, and I'm glad they haven't returned in any future installments. I hope it stays that way, and this is may or may not be a hot take, but I personally believe Mario Kart Wii would be better without them.

Bonus Rant: Blooper
If you've seen me on the Internet, you all know why I'm adding this rant. THE BLOOPER IS ONE OF THE WORST ITEMS NINTENDO HAS EVER ADDED TO THE SERIES. What a terrible item. I will talk about why I hate this item so much.

To start, in some games, it does hardly does anything at all. Like, in Wii, it may just be the most worthless thing ever, but even in games where it covers up more of the screen, there is so much going against this item. A lot of the tracks have boost panels on ramps or just lying around, and by just hitting one of them, that ink is just gone. Tracks with boosters everywhere like Rainbow Road? Forget it. Even on water tracks like Cheep Cheep Beach, there's no way that ink is staying on your screen for more than a second.

The bigger problem to me is that there is a disproportionate gap between how good it is against experienced players vs how good it is against new players. If you're a new player and you don't know where the hell you're going to begin with, you're done for when that ink hits your screen because you can't even stay on the road in the first place. But then if you're an experienced player who already knows the map (you know, the player your opponent needs to hinder the most with their items), that ink isn't going to do anything because you have the map layouts engraved into the back of your head.

It's clearly anti-Mario Kart in design. You look at items like the Lightning or Bullet Bill, items that are very clearly designed to give even the worst players a fighting chance, but the Blooper spits on that design philosophy. It doesn't even feel satisfying to use. You use an item and you feel the satisfaction of hitting another player. But if you're using a Blooper, you feel nothing.

The Blooper is useless, it's annoying, and it's only gettable in one of those middle to back of the pack positions, where you should be getting something powerful and dynamic, not something that's a minor inconvenience at best to skilled players and a game ender to new players. Screw this item, and I wish it was removed (even though I know it won't be removed because it has been in every Mario Kart game since DS) or that Nintendo never added this item to begin with. Let's be real, who even LIKES this item anyway?
Nintendo never should have added the Blooper to begin with.

For context as to how much I hate these items, I would give each one its own tier. Of my thirteen tiers (Z, Y, X, S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I), I would place the Mega Mushroom in G tier, the POW Block in H tier, and the Thunder Cloud in I tier. Oh, and I would give the Blooper either E tier or F tier.
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LOL at first I thought you were talking about items in the mainline games but I see now this is a Mariokart rant. As far as the Thunder Cloud and the Blooper, I don't mind using them on other racers but hate it when they're used on ME. So yeah. I dislike them as much as you do when other players or NPCs use them on me. Well-used, actually-I don't play MarioKart Wii anymore. My Wii is all old and dusty and I haven't played it for years.
I find the Mega Mushroom to not be a bad item, because you can get it in earlier places than the Star (a very low placement item, you get it like at 8th or lower place while Mega Mushrooms you can get at like as early as 5th or so).

I never found the POW Block to be THAT infuriating and this is the first post I've ever seen someone complain at length about it, it's no less bad for you than the Lightning Bolt tbh. In fact, pressing the trick button at the right time mostly neuters the effect of the POW Block, you don't lose anything other than slight control and whatever item you're carrying. I really think your timing is wrong to exaggerate what it does, out of all my time playing Mario Kart Wii it has never costed me the race unlike the Spiny Shell and Lightning Bolt.

(Btw I would have posted a video about how to dodge a POW Block and I found it very odd that you left ranty comments about them in great length in practically all of them lol)

I can agree the Blooper is pretty trash but in Mario Kart 8 in 200cc it can screw you up thanks to the gimped traction and handling.
(Btw I would have posted a video about how to dodge a POW Block and I found it very odd that you left ranty comments about them in great length in practically all of them lol)
In just about any video or post about Mario Kart, especially those that involve items, Mario Kart Wii, or the POW Block itself, of course I have to talk about how much I hate the item, more specifically why I hate the item so much.
You need to upload footage of yourself raging at it because I'm still convinced you have a skill issue with that item.
POW Block was never that bad for me. It never affected my steering and handling that badly. It was the freaking Lightning Cloud that I had a problem with. It's evil! Blooper isn't much of a hindrance. It's just annoying.
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The POW block is easily countered by just spamming the trick button (or shaking the controller) once you see it on screen. You barely spin out and you lose zero speed. Banana is worse at messing up your racing IMO.

The worst POW block can do is make you lose your items... in a game that already loves knocking items off players through various means including Mega Mushroom, Stars, Bullet Bills, and even hitting a banana while dragging a shell. I suppose an inopportune POW block at a tight turn can mess up your racing line somewhat due to the brief loss of control (but not speed!) neutering the effect, but it's usually never enough to cost a race.
The Lightning is easily the worst item in my opinion. You have no idea when it'll strike and can really ruin your chances if you're in the middle of a jump. The worst thing? There's no counter to it. At least the Super Horn stops the Blue Shell.
@Sparks Yeah I totally agree; I hate the Lightning Cloud with a burning passion. Blue Shell is also bad. Also they had the Blue Shell in the Mario movie.
I'm referring to the Lighting that shrinks every racer but the user. The Lightning Cloud is garbage too and thankfully that didn't return.
Sorry, I was getting the Lightning and the Lightning Cloud mixed up there. I thought the Lightning Cloud was what shrank everyone. Last time I played Mariokart Wii was over 10 years ago so of course I remembered it wrong LOL.
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The Lightning Cloud is a shit item in Mario Kart Wii. I can't believe that thing is the only item that would activate without your input., would have been so much better if it did. Sonic & All Stars Transformed had the Hot Rod which was so much better as a "item that speeds you up but you have to get rid of it before it destroys you" type item.
The Lightning is easily the worst item in my opinion. You have no idea when it'll strike and can really ruin your chances if you're in the middle of a jump. The worst thing? There's no counter to it. At least the Super Horn stops the Blue Shell.
You can avoid a Lightning strike by using an invincibility item. The Blue Spiny Shell can also be avoided with an invincibility item. The POW Block is far worse because it warns you of your inevitable doom, appears far too often, is pretty much useless if you know what you're doing and because the only game it appears in has a ton of airtime, and is almost guaranteed to cost you the race if you don't know what you're doing unless you're airborne. It requires you to take your attention away from racing to shake your Wii Remote or press up on the D-Pad to avoid losing speed, which I think is bad game design because even if you time everything correctly, you'll still spin out, temporarily lose control of your kart, and lose your current items. Unless you're airborne, in which case, you won't feel a thing, and considering how often you're in the air in Mario Kart Wii, you almost never have to worry about getting hit by it.

Blooper isn't much of a hindrance. It's just annoying.
The Blooper isn't just annoying, it's also useless. Need I mention it disproportionately affects new players?

Yeah it totally is; it makes you spin out of control and stop, and it kind of takes a little while for you to gather up speed again.
However, the Banana's effectiveness depends on the game. In some games like Mario Kart 7, it slows you down quite a bit, but in others like Mario Kart Wii, it doesn't slow you down that much. The Fake Item Box is arguably more effective: it flips you over and stops you dead in your tracks. The Lightning is even more effective, as it strips you of your items without warning, shrinks you, and temporarily reduces your top speed for a few seconds.