Issue 216

Waluigi Time

Too Bad!
Core 'Shroom Staff
Awards Committee
Poll Committee
Retired Wiki Staff
Hello there, 'Shroom readers! It's that time again, a brand new issue already! What's with Saturday being the first day of the month two times in a row, huh? Really messes with your scheduling. Well don't worry, we've pressed through weird calendars and time changes to bring you another great issue! More games, more art, more continuations of last month's story arcs! It's all here and more, plus two brand new Strategy Wing sections - Sparks is giving us his tips on dealing with the foes of Concordia in Brothership Boss Battle Guide, and Shoey's off to conquer China in So You Want to Romance the Three Kingdoms?. Don't miss it!

We have two staffers officially joining us as of this month - resident cactus Technetium is now a co-manager of The 'Shroom Spotlight and will be assisting RHG with getting those wiki focuses up every issue, and Ninja Squid has returned to the Core Staff as our new Design Manager! Please give them a warm welcome, or a warm welcome back as the case may be.

The Poll Chairperson Election has officially wrapped up, and we'd like to offer our congratulations to the winner, Paper Plumm! She's written up a special Poll Chairperson Address for this issue, so make sure to read that to find out a little more about her plans for the year and get all the details on how to apply for the Poll Committee's next term!

Lastly, we're working on a proper dark mode for the paper now that it's a more prominent feature on the wiki. It's still an early work in progress that we'll be continuing to work on and adjust based on feedback, so for you dark mode readers out there, please don't hesitate to let us know what you think. 🌙

Without further ado, enjoy Issue 216!
Big congratulations to @Paper Plumm on becoming the Poll Chairperson!