

Fantendo Founder
Retired Wiki Staff
I start a sentence, you finish it and start another one. Make it tell a story.

Once upon a time, Mario woke up and yawned widely, knowing that...
...this thread would be blocked sooner or later.

I think they already blocked one of 'em actually, but I'll play.

Oprah was...
...eating an oatmeal raison cookie when she saw Stumpers won a million bucks on TV.

Gonzo and his bros. were....
...renaming their brother/self "the Great Gonzo" to show respect.

We were all playing Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, when all of the sudden...
The holes in the time-space continuum of the Mario universe became to great and ate the entire game.

Daisy was beating up Stumpers when...
You're supposed to start a new one after an old one.

Salty came back to the wiki when....
...Daisy showed up in l.e.a.t.h.e.r.

Stumpers stared hopelessly as...
Daisy turned into Oprah!

George W. Bush was eating a burger...
Again, you're supposed to start a new one after you've finished one.

Where finish is pronounced exactly like Finnish...
...Waffles rule as kings.

Bowser loves...
...gave her a pickle.

Ericoopa was picking flowers for Black Ninjakoopa, when...
...inhaled so many chili dogs that he had a heart attack and finally died.

The MarioWikiers had Peachycakes tied up and forced her to watch anime for five whole minutes, but she managed to...
...hypnotize Gonzo into writing an article about Super Princess Daisy and hte mysterious l.e.a.t.h.u.r.e. pour up created in area 51.

Luigi was eating Mushrooms when...
The random mcdonalds animation isyou made appeared and he got a seizure!!!

The moose was eating pie when...
...Bruce Lee kicked him, and ate him for breakfast.
...Hamtaro threw up on his FACE!!!!!!!!!

Beanbean had 14 posts when....
his sister has a crush in another man named that, causing him to think she had a crush on him.